
Monday, December 11, 2023

Monday's Catch: '5 Reasons Why Non-Denominational Churches Are Growing' And More

5 Reasons Why Non-Denominational Churches Are Growing
While we continue to see reports of denominational decline in America, we see fewer reports of the growth of non-denominational churches. It is actually an amazing story.

Overcoming Obstacles While Planting a Church
Like any movement, challenges exist that threaten the vitality and longevity of church planting. We must consider how to address them. This list certainly isn’t exhaustive, but I’ve identified 9 challenges that could hinder the forward advance of church planting.

Look inward before you reach outward: make sure your church is ready for holiday and special event outreach guests
Yvon Prehn idenifies are some areas that are important for churches to check out and perhaps do a bit of renovation on before they invite teir guests for holidays and special events so they will not only be ready for the event itself, but for the growth in the church after it.

Pastors Planning Several Christmas Events Churchgoers Say They Enjoy
On average, pastors are planning four events or activities to help their churches celebrate Christmas this year.

Christmas – the original story
The Christmas Nativity story as we know it is formed by harmonising two different accounts from the New Testament. This is the story....

Inns and Innkeeping
An inn is generally considered to be a place of lodging travelers. While a twentieth-century traveler might mention modern amenities such as room service and fresh, clean linens to describe a place to stay during a long journey, the first-century A.D. understanding of overnight lodging was quite different.
It is not "woke" as one post on Facebook asserted to understand Luke 2:7 to mean that there was no room in the guest room at the house in Bethlehem where Mary gave birth to Jesus. It is application of the principle of interpreting Scripture by Scripture.
Why Does Narnia Have Christmas?Why Does Narnia Have Christmas?
...why would Narnians, in a world with Aslan, not Jesus, long for the return of Christmas? C.S. Lewis was trying to demonstrate the revolutionary nature of what we celebrate at Christmas—the incarnation.

Responsive Leadership: A Year-End Evaluation for Your Church
Responsive leadership is a process of becoming more attuned to what’s happening in your church so you can adapt and be more effective.

Want to attract young families to your church? These communication tips may help 
Many churches in America have aging congregations, and a constant prayer in all of them is that they might connect with young families at church. A primary response to this need is for churches to upgrade their children’s programs and make certain their nurseries are spotless, attractive, and well-staffed. Though facilities responses are essential, communication responses are also important if your church wants to have a family come back more than once.

Help! I Don’t Like Evangelizing
Christians the world over have the same struggle as you—and for a whole variety of reasons.

‘Turning a corner today’: 142 Mississippi churches leave UMC over homosexuality debate
The United Methodist Church has approved the disaffiliation of 142 Mississippi congregations, joining more than 7,000 churches that have left the mainline Protestant denomination since 2019. At a called session held at Anderson United Methodist Church of Jackson on Saturday, the UMC Mississippi Conference approved the disaffiliations of 142 churches in the state.

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