
Friday, January 05, 2024

Friday's Catch: '10 lessons on leading God’s church, all learned the hard way' And More

10 lessons on leading God’s church, all learned the hard way
Anyone who begins to pastor a church should recognize two big things: There are lessons to be learned if you are ever to do this well, and most of them are learned the hard way. Your scars will attest to your education. Most of this is counter-intuitive; that is, not what one might expect.

Organic Christian Living in the Local Church
The New Testament gives us more than enough commands for believers to live out the Christian life organically among the members of the congregation to which we belong. There are 59 "one another" passages in the New Testament that we can only understand and carry out in light of the relationship each believer has to other believers in the same worshiping community.

Stop Speaking Christianese, Please
We try to tell non-Christians valuable truths about the Christian faith: “Jesus died for your sins. Put your faith in him. He, alone, is holy.” All that non-Christians hear is, “Blah blah blah blah.” Unlike on an airplane, they’re at least looking at you. They’re still not understanding what you’re saying, though. Why? You’re speaking Christianese. It’s parlance they’re unfamiliar with.
I see a lot of posts on Facebook in Christianese. The people who post them are well-meaning. However, the only people who pay attention them are already Christians.
5 Ways to Become a “Bounce Back” Leader
Since every leader will face difficulty, what can we do to become more resilient? Consider these practical steps you can apply in your life and leadership to ‘bounce back’ more quickly.
Also see: Resilience: 5 Signs You’re a “Bounce Back” Leader
What Is the Prayer of Faith?
This, then, is the prayer of faith: to ask God to accomplish what He has promised in His Word.

A New Year, A New You
There’s something different about this generation—the old tricks of the trade don’t work the way they always have. A new year, with the promise of a new ministry-you, leads us to deconstruct our ministry back down to its foundation, then rebuild it in a fresh way.

10 Reasons Your Church Needs to Start New Groups
It is a challenge for churches to start new small groups, but it is some of the most significant work a church does.

Why You Should Attend Church (in Person) This Sunday
Here are five incentives God gives every Christian to wake up and go worship with your local church.

How to Deal With People Who Don’t Like You
Rejection is powerful. How do you deal with it?

How Missionaries Can Inspire Their Sending Church to Mission
Missionaries can do at least three things to play an ongoing role in stirring their home churches to identify not merely as senders, but also as the sent.

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