
Monday, January 15, 2024

Monday's Catch: 'The Most Surprising Issue about Church Facilities' And More

...what is the one surprising issue about church facilities?

Why You Should Understand ‘New Religious Movements’
We can shape our explanation of the gospel in helpful ways if we understand who we’re talking to and what they believe.

Life Without Romans 8:28
Without Romans 8:28 we would not have confidence that our experiences in this world “work … for good.”

3 Reasons Some Churches Struggle to Empower Younger Leaders
In churches that struggle to empower younger leaders, these three cultural realities exist....

Why ‘Forgiveness Is a Gift You Give Yourself’ Is a Dangerous Myth
Here are six myths that are threatening our understanding and practice of biblical forgiveness.

What Do Mormons Believe About Humanity?
According to Mormonism, one man saw God and noted his physical form in a vision.
Mormonism shows how easy it is for a false prophet to lead people into error. As well as warning his disciples about false prophets, Jesus also warned them about false messiahs. They too can lead many astray.
ACNA College of Bishops Consents to the Eection of New Bishops
During this week of January 8 through January 12, 2024, the College of Bishops of the Anglican Church in North America is gathered for its regular winter meeting. Of significant note on the agenda is to interview and vote on whether to consent to the election of six new bishops.

In Iowa and beyond, evangelical Christian voters follow their party more than their faith
An evangelical kingmaker in Iowa warned that Donald Trump's campaign is doomed and is backing Ron DeSantis in the upcoming caucuses. Still, Trump seems poised for an easy win in Iowa and beyond.

Reactionary Christians are pushing the country toward authoritarianism — and a Trump 2024 win, ethics professor warns
As we head into one of the most significant election years the nation has faced in recent history, David Gushee, a Baptist pastor and professor of Christian ethics at Mercer University, warns that democracy itself is facing a grave threat from an unlikely source: his fellow Christians.

‘A failure of imagination would be fatal to democracy’
There can be no free speech in a mob. Free speech is one thing a mob can’t stand.

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