
Monday, January 08, 2024

Monday's Catch: 'Southern Baptists are teaching us to bring people back to church' And More

VOICES: Southern Baptists are teaching us to bring people back to church
Amid spiraling church attendance nationwide, theologically conservative Southern Baptists are paving the way for church growth in the most unlikely of places: the notably progressive land of New England. The denomination’s churches are thriving in Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island, where church attendance has historically been remarkably low.

After COVID: The Deepening Decline of the Church of England
COVID was bad for the Church of England. And new data show just how bad. Overall, the church lost one in five of its Sunday worshipers during COVID. For children at worship, it’s worse.

One Key Reason Why Church Consultations Fail major factor that most often determines success in church consultations. Let’s look at that one key factor. You might be surprised.

Every Three Years: The Impact of Millennial Job Hopping on Workplace Culture
Feeling the strain of frequent team changes at work? Discover how job hopping is reshaping workplace culture and what it means for you and your organization's future.

Why Your Church Should Care About Your Members’ Giving
Why should you be interested in your church members’ giving? Their giving correlates to the kind of disciple they are becoming in your church.

Dear Retired Pastor: Off with the Slippers, On with the Boots
Mike Minter shares four lessons he leared as a retired pastor.

Why do some Christians celebrate Christmas on 7 January?
Across most of the Orthodox world, many millions of people celebrate Christmas on 7 January. This is the story....

How to liven up a dull worship service
The ways to liven up a dull worship service cannot be counted. Here are a few thoughts on that, some more dynamic than others, but we send them forth with the hope that something here will help someone…..

When You’re Starting on Empty: How to Start a New Year with Little To Give
If you’re starting this year on empty, take heart—you’re in good company. There are steps you can take to refuel, reevaluate, and renew your sense of purpose in ministry.

The Unmatched Impact of Being Christians in Front of Each Other
Gospel proclamation is necessary. However, in the realm of Christian discipleship, the church also desperately needs Christians to simply live the Christian life in front of one another.

Should Our Faith Be More Easily Perceived by What We Do Than What We Believe?
No matter what a person professes, he must live an obedient, Spirit-empowered life to effectively point people toward Jesus.

In praise of 'bus stop theology'
What lessons can Christians learn from a London rail worker honoured by King Charles for talking 29 people out of taking their own lives? Maybe something about the power of conversation and being willing to 'stop for a chat'.

Preaching Jewish in a Greek World
Remember that the average teenager is more Greek (unfamiliar with the full story of Christianity and not accepting God’s Word as fully inspired) than Jewish. So before we unfurl our scrolls and start proving that Jesus is the messiah and that they fall short of God’s standards, let’s make sure they understand which God and gospel story we are talking about.

How religion and politics will mix in 2024 – three trends to track
The 2024 elections may see a more intense end-times rhetoric, claims of divine support and a failure to condemn the rise in Christian nationalism, writes a religion scholar.
Jesus warned his disciples against false prophets and pseudo (or fake) messiahs who will lead many astray. In this election year we not only have evangelicals attributing divine anointing to one of the candidates but also that candidate donning the mantle of being a messiah. In videos on the internet that candidate has asserted that he is the “caretaker” and “shepherd of mankind.” We also read polls in which evangelicals view the candidate in question as “a man of faith,” not on the basis of the candidate’s professing faith in Jesus and living an obedient, Spirit-filled life” but on his support for causes that are dear to their hearts.

If we are honest with ourselves, this support does not make that candidate “a man of faith,” just an astute politician who recognizes what goes over well with the segment of the population whose support that he is seeking to gain or retain. The same politician has shown a knack for sizing up an audience and telling that audience what it wants to hear. In his videos on the internet, he has begun to make references to God which he has not made in the past. At the same politician also appeals to the worst in people. These developments should ring alarm bells and raise red flags in the minds of Christians who take seriously what Jesus said.

One of the sins of the people of Israel, recorded in the Old Testament, was that they desired an authoritarian leader, a king, instead of their true King—God. They not only rejected God for idols but also for a king. The Old Testament further records how these kings led them into greater disobedience to God. Both what Jesus said and what the Old Testament records are a warning to us. Psalm 146:3 puts it succinctly. “Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save….”

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