
Thursday, January 25, 2024

Thursday's Catch: "Who are the ‘nones’? New Pew study debunks myths about America’s nonreligious." And More

Today, the ‘nones’ kind of look like everybody else,' said sociologist Ryan Cragun. 'At some level, we're saying, hey, actually, this is just your neighbor.'
Also see: Religious ‘Nones’ Now Outnumber All Individual Religious Cohorts, Outpacing Catholics and Evangelicals.
Unveiling the Numbers: The Global Spread of Pentecostalism and Charismatics
Pentecostalism and Charismatic Christianity are vibrant and dynamic streams within global Christianity. Defined by their emphasis on a direct personal experience with God through the baptism of the Holy Spirit, these movements have witnessed unprecedented growth over the past century.

Exploring the Spectrum: Charismatic Practices in Various Christian Communities
Charismatic Christianity, with its vibrant expressions and emphasis on the Holy Spirit, transcends denominational boundaries, creating a rich tapestry of worship and belief.

6 Keys to Successful Church Member Assimilation
On January 23rd, held a FREE live webinar with Pastor Brian Moss to talk about the six keys to successful church member assimilation. You can now watch the replay, and get instant access to the full set of notes Pastor Brian us on the call... PLUS you'll also get access to Pastor Brian's "Secret Weapon" for assimilating new members in the church... and a free template to make your own!

Start With Serving
"We’re very intentional about providing quality opportunities for people to serve and to make a difference in our community," writes Helen Schnese. "Through that we have a lot of success in getting new people connected to the life of the church." 

The Strange and Wonderful Sociology of the Early Christians
What would the early Christians think about the 21st-century Western church? It might not be fair to throw all Christian groups together, but by and large, our ancient forebears would have trouble recognizing the way of Jesus in our lives and behavior. Unfortunately, the Western church too often mirrors the divisive, tribal and classist nature of wider society.

Is the Episcopal Church Anglican?
"Those involved in their desired revision of the 1979 prayer book (if we even have a prayer book instead of online resources) are very avant-garde in wanting to make language, gender, and theological changes. The development of experimental services so far has departed from a more traditional approach. All this raises the question that I have been struggling with for about 10 years now: Is the Episcopal Church still Anglican?"
The Episcopal Church is not the only ecclesial entity that claims historic ties to the Church of England, which has drifted away from the benchmarks of authentic historic Anglicanism. So has the Anglican Church in North America, the Continuing Anglican Churches, the Anglican Orthodox Church, and the Reformed Episcopal Church one way or another. In some of these entities the drift is more pronounced than in others.
Video Switcher Basics
Since so many houses of worship live-stream and/or record their productions, sermons, and classes, it’s important to note that using a video switcher is a great idea.
Also see: What Does a Video Switcher Do? 
Comparisons between former President Donald Trump and various biblical figures have recently sparked controversy and challenged perceptions of faith and politics in the United States. The idea of Trump being compared to a “false prophet,” as mentioned in biblical texts, has particularly stirred attention.

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