
Friday, February 02, 2024

Friday's Catch: 'Effective Multisite Ministry: The Ultimate Guide for Multisite Church Strategy' And More

Effective Multisite Ministry: The Ultimate Guide for Multisite Church Strategy
While there are many ways churches do multisite, only a handful of models are effective and create long-term health. Regardless of your unique context and strategy, there are six common questions every church considering multisite must address....

9 Things Strategic Leaders Do
"...there is a massive difference between having a strategy and thinking strategically. Both are important. But it is possible to implement a ministry strategy and fail to think strategically over the long haul." 

7 Ways to Earn Trust as a Leader
People follow leaders they trust. So, building and maintaining trust is critical to good leadership. Thankfully, there are ways to earn trust as a leader.

Leading Worship That Is Structured and Suitable
Throughout this article, “worship” doesn’t refer to (a) glorifying God in all of life or (b) singing in church. Instead, in keeping with the Reformed tradition, by worship the author means our Sunday gatherings or church services.

Ten Ways to Build a Stronger Youth Ministry
Feel like you’re scrambling to put together each week’s youth group meeting? Are you overwhelmed by carrying the leadership responsibilities alone? This resource can help. From developing a strong leadership team to handling administrative details to working with the church’s other ministries, these ideas from Faith Formation Ministries will help you strengthen your ministry to the youth in your congregation.

Take These 10 Steps to Improve Your Guest Services
Here's what we must understand. The people who are walking in the doors of your church are not comparing your customer service to just other churches. They are comparing your customer service to places of business, restaurants, clothing stores and other establishments they interact with. If you want to see guests return to your church, then you've got to deliver a great customer service experience. Here are 10 steps you can take to do this.

The Deconstruction of Christianity
Yet while apostasy is not new, the modern nomenclature is: Today it is often referred to as “deconstruction.” And the specific form it takes is new as well—people using social media to chart their rejection of the Christian faith and to join with others through shared apps, subreddits, or hashtags.

United Church of Christ lost over 286K members, 550 churches in last decade: report
The United Church of Christ declined by over 286,000 members from 2012 to 2022, according to recently released statistics on the theologically liberal mainline Protestant denomination. A recent report by the UCC Center for Analytics, Research & Development and Data found that, from 2012 to 2022, the denomination experienced a net loss of 286,610 members and 551 congregations. Additionally, from 2020 to 2022, the UCC went from having 4,794 congregations to 4,603 congregations, with membership dropping from approximately 773,000 to approximately 712,000.

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