
Friday, February 16, 2024

Friday's Catch: 'What Does the Bible Say about Dealing with Divisive People in the Church?' And More

What Does the Bible Say about Dealing with Divisive People in the Church?
As society is presently ripped apart with divisions on every issue, the church is likewise bombarded with divisive people who are using the current cultural divide to mimic the culture and tear apart the body of Christ. Christians have to be acutely aware that Satan uses cultural moments like this in the church to separate the body of Christ.

The Asbury Outpouring
What happened at Asbury University? On Feb. 8, 2023, what began as a routine Wednesday morning Chapel service with the student body turned into a multiweek Outpouring that some have described as a revival. Led by students, the services attracted college students from hundreds of other colleges and universities, beginning as soon as Wednesday evening.

It’s a Matter of Trust
Last year, Gallup released a poll which found that confidence was in a freefall for many leading societal institutions.

‘They're Frightened of Diversity': Rob Reiner on the Threat of Christian Nationalism
As the numerous clergy and religious scholars in God and Country make clear, Christian Nationalism is more of a political movement in religious garb than anything based in the Bible or Christian theology.

Can American congregations learn to embrace the uncoupled?
Many American congregations tend to focus on traditional families, recollecting a mid-20th-century model for church growth or else simply as a model of what a Christian life should be. 

Please Don’t Make Me Stand: Welcoming Introverts into the Church
Many churches’ focus on visitors is geared toward the extroverted, who draw energy from being around large groups of people and are innately social. They often thrive under this sort of social stimulation. But by creating an environment that respects and accommodates introverted individuals, you can foster a sense of inclusivity and ensure that everyone feels valued and comfortable. Many churches focus on inclusive spaces for different ages, different ethnicities and cultures, and people of different abilities, but we rarely consider what it looks like to be inclusive toward those with introverted personalities. Here are some strategies to make your church a more welcoming place for introverts.

Five facts about pastors most church members are unclear on
What follows is the truth on the role of pastors as taught in Scripture. It’s not “all” the truth, for this is but one simple article. However, it cuts to the heart of the issues....

Church Members Dial In for Fellowship
Gordon Memorial United Methodist Church in Nashville, Tennessee, provides Sunday worship service through the church’s conference phone line so participants who can’t attend in person can stay connected.The dial-up service has been most helpful to those who have physical ailments or geographic limitations that prevent them from attending worship in person. Church member Tina Boone coordinates the calls. She goes beyond simply making sure the technology works, providing a time of fellowship for her callers.
I personally would find having someone commenting on a service distracting and I believe that other people would too. A church service is not a baseball game. When setting up this kind of system for a church, I believe that those calling in to hear the service should have a no commentator option. If they don't want to hear a running commentary on the service, they shuld be able to listen to the service alone. When I was younger and it was more common to broadcast church services on the radio, I often listened to the Lutheran Hour broadcast by the Lutheran Brotherhood on Sundays that I was unable to attend church. Their services had no commentator. Neither did the local church services I listened to on the radio.
Never Preach to One Person
Be prepared for a lifetime of ministry to your congregation, one where you will see them struggle with certain sins and shortcomings for years. Be prepared to labor at great lengths and be long-suffering. Over time, you will see Christ sanctify his people. It just probably won’t happen in one day because of one sermon.

Does a Church Need Marketing?
Is marketing necessary for a church? What are the potential praises and pitfalls of marketing in the church space?

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