
Monday, February 05, 2024

Monday's Catch: 'More on the Graying of the Church: Find Ways for Your Congregation to Become Younger' And More

But there is a rightful concern in many churches today about the relative age composition of active church members. In fact, one of the most frequent consultation requests we receive at Church Answers is “help my church get younger.”

5 Discouraging Trends in Global Christianity
While there is much to celebrate about the church around the world, there are some discouraging trends in global Christianity.

Where Gen Z Gets It Right And What We Should Learn From Them
As church leaders mobilizing people of all ages, we must recognize and appreciate the unique qualities of each generation. In today’s ever-evolving landscape, Generation Z, born roughly between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, is making its mark on society, and we can learn a lot from them.

The relentless focus on White Christian nationalism is spreading a racist myth
The relentless coverage of White Christian nationalism is spreading a racist myth: that Whiteness is the default setting for evangelical Christianity.

With FlashPoint Live, roster of Pentecostal ‘prophets’ hits the road for Trump
The tour’s personalities and themes are borrowed from 'FlashPoint,' a Christian current-events program that features Trump and his former officials, members of Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Fox News host Jeanine Pirro.

Who Is Alistair Begg? Exploring the Life and Ministry of a Revered Christian Pastor
In the landscape of Christian leadership, certain figures stand out as examples of inspiration and wisdom. Alistair Begg is one such luminary whose impact extends far beyond the walls of his church. Here, we will delve into the life and ministry of Alistair Begg, seeking to unravel the story behind this revered Christian pastor.

A Tennessee teen has pleaded guilty in the slaying of a prominent United Methodist Church leader
The daytime shooting shook United Methodist Church members in Memphis and elsewhere.

How I Use Technology for Sermon Prep
This article on Technology for Sermon Prep is the second half of of 7 Dangers and 7 Benefits of Church Technology.
The link to the first article on the Church Leaders website does not work and the article is also credited to the wrong author, to David Manner instead of David Murray. The link to the first article I have provided, however does work.
3 Things That Were Missing in My Youth Group—and What I Hope for Today
In this post Abby Buckles shares three things that were missing from my youth group experience: connection to the greater church body, true relevance, and positive expectations.

Millennial Perspectives on the Purpose of Small Groups
"Something is profoundly missing from the purpose of small groups in today’s churches. While we may not be able to put our finger on exactly what the problem is, many of us have silently wrestled with suspicions that the type of life we read about in Scripture does not line up with what we’re currently experiencing in our ecclesial communities...." 

God Sent Jonah to Nineveh--Where's He Sending You?
We believe that everyone needs Jesus, but do we believe that everyone needs grace?

Win People Rather Than Arguments
Christ is the true heart of evangelism.

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