
Monday, February 26, 2024

Monday's Catch: ''Top Evangelical Leader: 'We’ve Lost Our Credibility to the Outside World'”And More

Top Evangelical Leader: “We’ve Lost Our Credibility to the Outside World”
Russell Moore is the editor-in-chief of Christianity Today. In his new book he explores democracy, cynicism, and the state of the evangelical church. Moore joins Michel Martin to discuss the challenges of religious identity and his hopes for future expressions of Christianity in America and beyond.

Anti-immigrant pastors may be drawing attention – but faith leaders are central to the movement to protect migrant rights
Religious beliefs can provide motivation, hope and endurance in the long and often discouraging task of mobilizing people for social change.

Loneliness in clergywomen — its causes and impacts and what we can do about it
While loneliness is a problem for ministers of both sexes, woman in ministry have additional causes of loneliness unique to them.

4 Ways to Create a Culture of Raising New Leaders
Most “movements” die with the original leaders. In the church, however, we must create a culture of raising leaders to carry on the work.

When Bible Reading Becomes a Struggle
To change our current Bible-reading patterns, it’s helpful to see what the Bible proclaims about itself.

10 Reasons the Old Testament Matters to Christians
Jason DeRouchie gives ten reasons why the first word in the phrase “Old Testament” must not mean “unimportant or insignificant to Christians.”

How Not to Apply the Bible
Here are four questions that will help you arrive at reliable applications of any section of the Bible....

Overcoming Your Fear of Praying in Public
In 2012, researchers at the University of Nebraska-Omaha asked 815 college students to identify their three greatest fears. Far more than they feared heights, flying, deep water and even death, the students feared “speaking before a group.” If public speaking is the general population’s greatest fear, praying in public very well may be its Christian equivalent.

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