
Saturday, February 10, 2024

Saturday Lagniappe: 'I am not going to hate you' And More

I am not going to hate you
Hate drives so many of Americans' attitudes today. Can a yard sign help?

Anti-immigrant frenzy creates dangerous situation at U.S. border, advocates warn
Anti-immigrant bigotry is reaching a frenzied pitch as Texas continues to defy a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that grants U.S. border agents permission to remove razor wire Gov. Greg Abbott has erected along portions of the Rio Grande.

10 Ways to Make Your Worship Space Less Ableist
Too many disabled people encounter excuses when they ask for access to worship spaces. “It’s not in our budget,” religious leaders will say to the wheelchair user who can’t fit into a bathroom stall. Or, “We can’t make that alteration just for you.”

How the Church Can End the Loneliness Pandemic
We live in one of the loneliest times in human history. Even as we have more ways to connect, we are increasingly less connected to each other. We have many platforms for being “social”, but they don’t always provide a deep sense of belonging. In fact studies show that too much time spent on popular social media platforms increases the sense of disconnect, isolation and loneliness. Mental health struggles seem to be at an all-time high. The good news is that the church can respond to the loneliness pandemic.

Four Common Ministry Errors That Leaders Make
Our tendency to drift impacts not only our health, but also our approach to the ministries God has given us. Here are four sets of common and opposite errors that ministry leaders must avoid to be faithful stewards of the sacred calling that God has given us.

Learn From Failure
The difference between successful and unsuccessful leaders isn’t that the successful people don’t fail. The difference is that successful leaders learn from their failures.

Ready for Church: 5 Ways to Be Present in Worship
Here are five rules of engagement that can help us put more into corporate worship.

Preteen Bible Lesson: We Pray for Each Other
Use this lesson to help kids explore how we communicate with God through prayer.

9 Obstacles to Family and Friends Believing the Gospel
Chuck Lawless shares his thoughts about why folks struggle with believing the gospel.

Image Credit: RNS photo/Bob Smietana

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