
Thursday, February 08, 2024

Thursday Evenings at All Hallows (Thursday, February 8, 2024) Is Now Online


Welcome to Thursday Evenings at All Hallows.

Next Tuesday is Shrove Tuesday. Lent begins the following day with Ash Wednesday. The name of “Shrove Tuesday” comes from the word shrive. To “shrive” someone refers to the practice of a priest listening to their confession about what they have done wrong, offering them assurance of God’s forgiveness, and giving them necessary spiritual advice. In medieval England everyone was summoned to church on Shrove Tuesday to be shriven before the start of Lent on the following day. Shrove Tuesday is a day on which Christians may wish to “make a special point of self-examination, of considering what wrongs they need to repent, and what amendments of life or areas of spiritual growth they especially need to ask God's help in dealing with.” They may also wish to consult on these matters with a spiritual counselor. They may wish to attend an Ash Wednesday service the next day and receive the imposition of ashes on their forehead as a visible sign of their repentance and a reminder of their mortality.

Reading: 1 Corinthians 15: 1-11

Message: The Best News of All


Please feel free to share this link with anyone who may be interested.

If you are new to Thursday Evenings at All Hallows, you may find these directions helpful:

-When you open the link to a video in a new tab, check auto-play to make sure it is in the off position. Otherwise, a second video with a different song will follow the first.

-If an ad plays when you open a link to a video in a new tab, click the refresh icon of your browser until the song appears.

-If a song begins partway through the video, click pause, move the slider to the beginning, and then click play.

-An ad may follow a song so as soon as the song is finished, close the tab.

May Thursday Evenings at All Hallows be a blessing to you.

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