
Thursday, February 22, 2024

Thursday's Catch: 'Authenticity, Excellence, and Small, Rural Churches with Brandon J. O’Brien' And More

Authenticity, Excellence, and Small, Rural Churches with Brandon J. O’Brien
Should small, rural churches aim for excellence, authenticity, or both? Many well-known, usually large churches, are known to strive for “excellence” in their production of weekend worship. This can leave small churches, with fewer means, feeling like they have to keep up.

Texas attorney general moves to shut down Catholic migrant shelters
The lawsuit from Ken Paxton’s office ‘seeks to revoke Annunciation House’s authorization to do business in Texas and asks the court to appoint a receiver to liquidate their assets.’

Why You’re Still Not Teaching Enough About Jesus’ Resurrection
Having a weak understanding of the implications of Jesus’ resurrection keeps Christians from living fully in Spirit-filled power.

The 5 Temptations of a Struggling Leader
Here’s what you’ll likely be tempted to do when you hit a season of struggle....

3 Questions to Ask Yourself As You Leave a Worship Service
Here are three other questions you might consider asking as you head home after church on Sunday....

“Spare the Rod Spoil the Child” Is Not in Proverbs – Are There Alternatives?
Discipline administered in anger or cruelty contradicts the spirit of the scripture and can be detrimental to a child’s emotional and psychological development.

Multiplying Disciples in North America
How do the Biblical principles captured in the Disciple Making Movement apply to North America? How do we multiply disciple makers in the United States and Canada? A growing number of church and ministry leaders are asking these questions.

Evangelism in Children’s and Youth Ministry
We need to focus on evangelizing children and youth as well as adults.

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