
Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Wdnesday's Catch: 'Next Generation Evangelism: 3 Approaches and a Way Forward' And More

Next Generation Evangelism: 3 Approaches and a Way Forward
Though the practice of sharing their faith is much more challenging for young people in an increasingly secularized society, young Christians do evangelize. Taking a broad look, there seem to be three primary approaches that young people today seem to take towards the practice of evangelism.

How Faithful Diversity Testifies to the Gospel
A diverse and faithful church can function as a powerful defense of God’s presence among his people.

8 Strategies for Reaching and Developing Gen Z
How can congregations build meaningful connections with young adults? Brandi Nicole Williams, Director for the African American Church Evangelism Institute, offers eight practical strategies for bridging the generational gap and fostering relationships with Gen Z to build a more relevant church community.

Think Outside the Box: What Would God Plant?
Planting “teaching” services where people sing and get preached to is a good thing, but doing church in the traditional way may not be good enough in the mission context in which we are all living.

Overcoming Divisions in the Church
God loves unity and hates division. How can we be faithful peacemakers in Christ who contribute to more unity and less divisions in the church?

7 Qualities of an Easy to Follow Leader
Are you easy to follow as a leader? In other words – are you followable?

The Biggest Problem in Worship Education
Invest in worship ministries, not worship services

5 Compass Points Guide Character Formation and Lifelong Discipleship for Youth
The Fuller Youth Institute’s “Faith Beyond Youth Group” research initiative explored character as the vehicle for both faith longevity and faith vibrancy throughout the week. Their research yielded five compass points to guide the formation of character in young people — cultivating trust, modeling growth, teaching for transformation, practicing together, and making meaning.

“New Approaches to Help Youth Form Lasting Faith” featuring Brad Griffin How can your youth ministry cultivate a faith that stays with a young person as they mature through adulthood? We speak with Brad Griffin of the Fuller Youth Institute about five compass points that can guide an impactful youth ministry. The approach emphasizes building trust and relationships while teaching in transformative and experiential ways that help young people make meaning of their faith and life experiences.

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