
Saturday, March 30, 2024

Saturday Laniappe: '8 Reasons The Church is a Light in a Troubled World' And More

8 Reasons The Church is a Light in a Troubled World
Cultivating hope, expressing encouragement, and maintaining an authentically positive spirit are vital to your leadership. People need to sense your optimism as a leader. But that’s not always easy, is it?

10 Church Poisons That Will Kill Any Church
Todd Gaddis identifies 10"church poisons" which can kill a church.

Why is Church Membership Important?
Why is carefully practicing church membership and discipline critical to the growth of the saints and the evangelism of the church?

One of the Most Overlooked Arguments for the Resurrection
...the earliest Christians came to believe, against all odds and against all expectations, that Jesus of Nazareth had been raised from the dead.

The Calendar Controversies Behind Easter
Christians historically have disagreed on when to celebrate Christ’s resurrection. Even now, churches in Western and Eastern traditions use different calendars for their faith’s most sacred holiday.

One Thing You Must Remember if You Want to Walk Worthy of the Calling
How is it possible to walk in a worthy manner in light of what Jesus has done on our behalf?

Do Nine Out of Ten Churched Students Actually Drop Out of Church after High School?
Timothy Pau Jones was reminded a few weeks ago of a persistent and unhelpful myth that’s still circulating.

Is Roman Catholicism a Creedal Faith?
At least two questions must be considered to assess Rome’s creedal commitment, and these relate to the theological meaning and use of the Creed.

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