
Friday, March 01, 2024

Friday's Catch: 'Seeing Red' And More

Seeing Red
...God gave us the emotion of anger for a reason. What are we supposed to do with it? What did Jesus do with it?

How to Have an Honest Conversation (that might be uncomfortable)
Honesty, candor and being frank, all easy in a Christian environment, right? Not always. Why are we tempted to hold back?

Training and Community Critical for Churches Ministering to Problem Gamblers
While gambling has surged in recent years, churches have largely remained on the sidelines, leaving problem gamblers in need of help.

An Old Testament Theology of Prosperity
In this article Danson Ottawa seeks to show how having a better understanding of the Bible’s overarching redemptive story—and covenants—is an important corrective to the prosperity gospel.

Know Your Heresies: How Not to Be a Heretic
What is heresy? While this term is often casually thrown around in the many wars of words on social media, it does have a historic technical usage in the context of Christian theology. Simply put, we can define heresy as the deliberate affirmation of a belief that subverts a central doctrine of the faith.

Lessons from the Classroom: How Pastors Can Draw Inspiration from Teachers
Pastors can learn how to enliven their sermons from teachers who engage their students through stories and interactions.

Four Benefits of Inviting Evaluation of Your Preaching
...if a pastor cannot, and perhaps should not, rely on his own people to supply constructive feedback, where will he get it?

7 Habits of Highly Effective Church Communicators
The digital age is changing the way information is received. Habits of highly effective church communicators must take into consideration the increased noise level of communication and the reduced attention spans. As a protection mechanism, to field the messaging bombarding them, people screen the information by ignoring it (not listening or daydreaming while physically present).

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