
Monday, March 04, 2024

Monday's Catch: 'The CHRINO: Christian in Name Only' And More

Nearly seven out of ten (69%, Cultural Research Center) of American adults self-identify as a Christian...But how many of those people are really Christians?

The Deconstructed Christian: Navigating Faith and Doubt
In recent times, the term “deconstructed Christian” has gained significant attention. This concept refers to individuals who embark on a journey to critically examine and evaluate the tenets and doctrines of the traditional Christianity they embraced in their youth.

Church Planting with Great (Realistic) Expectations
False expecations can turn into real disappointment. What can you expect in the difficult and rewarding task of church planting?

Unpacking “No Creed but the Bible”
This article is part of the Unpacking Culture series in which we examine a well-known axiom and weigh any true or positive aspects of it against any negative or misleading connotations of the phrase.

When Leading Means Disappointing People (and Other Fear of Man Issues)
As women leaders, we find ourselves grappling with the fear of man, eager to foster unity but often realizing that true leadership requires choices that might be met with resistance. If you are finding yourself on an endless cycle of doubt, insecurity, and second guessing, here are a few reminders to help you navigate the tension and move forward.

9 Things I’ve Learned About Leadership From My Family
Leadership starts at home. How you love and lead at home has a dramatic effect on how you love and lead in the church. That’s not always an easy truth to embrace, but it’s undeniable.

Facts About the Bible: A Guide for Beginners
The Bible stands as a cornerstone of faith and history. It’s God’s words, captured and preserved in human writings. It’s not just a spiritual guide but also a historical and cultural artifact, filled with fascinating facts that intrigue believers and skeptics alike.

Fostering a Small Group Mindset in a Small Church Setting
When small churches keep it simple and focus on the basics, they can foster a small-group mindset in their church.

Christians Should Long For Giftedness
When was the last time you prayed for spiritual gifts? Spiritual gifts can only come from the Spirit, and so prayer is the best way to pursue them.

Forgive Others: The Bible Path to Healing and Peace
To forgive others is a cornerstone of God’s action toward humankind and Christian teachings, deeply embedded in the fabric of the Bible. It’s a theme that not only offers solace but also commands us to mirror the grace and mercy extended to us by God. Through various passages and teachings, the Bible elucidates the importance, methods, and divine command of forgiveness, guiding believers towards a life of compassion, understanding, and peace.

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