
Saturday, March 16, 2024

Saturday Lagniappe: 'Poll: Most Americans say religion’s influence is waning, and half think that’s bad' And More

Poll: Most Americans say religion’s influence is waning, and half think that’s bad
There is also growing concern among an array of religious Americans that their beliefs are in conflict with mainstream American culture.

Thousands of churches will likely close down. What happens to all that real estate?
A new book called 'Gone for Good' looks at the ways that churches could be reused for the public good in the future.

Full-time ministry drains too many clergy and church budgets. Part-time pastors can help.
The happier, healthier future of ministry is in part-time clergy.

The Hallmark of Genuine Christianity
What is the hallmark of genuine Christianity? What is the outward sign that a person is truly Christian, or that a community of Christians is the real thing? What is the inevitable fruit of obeying the gospel?

One Downside of Listening to Online Preaching
The ability to hear any text online from any teacher raises the temptation to be a lopsided listener. A lopsided listener is someone who finds their pet topic and listens exclusively to that topic. Or it is someone who listens exclusively to a certain style of preaching. This lopsided listening can have detrimental effects.

Kids Dn't Get Anything Out of Church. And You Don't Have to Either
The trouble with looking to “get something out of” worship is that it is fundamentally mis-ordered; it places us, and not God, at the center of our worship. It indicates that we are thinking about worship as a show directed at the audience, and not a sacrifice offered to the glory of the one who calls us to worship in the first place.

Fulfilling the call to make disciples
Westminster Chapel saw church leaders and Christian organisations from across the UK gather for the annual Ekklesia Church Leaders Conference on Wednesday. Pastors Chris Frost and Mark Waterfield delivered the keynote address introducing the theme for this year's conference 'In but not of' taken from John 17:14.
How can your church have such a tremendous, positive impact on the community that if it disappeared during the night, it would be sorely missed?
What Two Raw Vegans Taught Me About Sharing Jesus
They say the best salesperson is a satisfied customer. These people were “selling” raw veganism with a capital RV.

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