
Thursday, March 14, 2024

Thursday's Catch: 'God Has You Here for This Generation' And More

God Has You Here for This Generation
You were born for THIS generation. At this moment. And there has never been a greater time to be involved in the ministry of sharing Christ and his Kingdom values with the world around you.

4 Questions to Better Understand Your Nonreligious Neighbors
Around 1 in 4 Americans are nonreligious, so some people far from God are near your church. What do you need to know about your nonreligious neighbors?

Familiarity Blindness in your Church: 7 Ways to Cure It
Familiarity blindness is a malady that infects us all. It happens when we become so familiar with something that we no longer consciously see it. In fact, the brain does this all the time so it doesn’t have to work as hard...Familiarity blindness is common in many churches today. In this post I give 7 ways to cure it.

What Can You Do to Prevent Your Congregation from Being Scammed?
Scammers are doing a better job of impersonating people, so it’s getting harder to spot a fake email from a legitimate one. With the power of AI, voice cloning could be the next way a scammer might target your congregation.

How Do Our Kids Stay Christian? 
How do our kids stay Christian? Some version of this question has animated both scholarly and pastoral discussion over the last several years, especially as the great dechurching marches on unabated. This is not merely an academic question, but one that has kept younger parents anxious as they watch more and more of their peers turn away from the faith.

3 Difficulties in Starting Groups After Easter
Allen White shares the ways he discovered to to sustain 80 percent of new spring groups in the fall.

Image Credit: Wesley Bolin

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