
Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Tuesday's Catch: 'Gallup poll: More than half of Americans rarely go to church' And More

Gallup poll: More than half of Americans rarely go to church
The percentage of Americans who never attend services outnumbers those who go every week, according to a new Gallup report.

Time for a Change
It can be tempting to focus only on the future when thinking about our congregation. What do we want to do? Who do we want to reach? But periodically we need to remember to look back and check on the condition of our flock to see who we have lost and why. We should avoid asking, “Who is to blame?” and instead ask, “How can we improve?”

Is Church Membership Biblical?
Though the New Testament does not explicitly use the term membership, the concept is very much implied.

Six Reasons Your Church Welcome Ministry Is More Important Than Ever
The church welcome ministry (or whatever your church calls it) has always been important. But the ministry is more important today than it’s ever been. Look at six reasons this level of importance has risen.

It’s Holy Week, and Trump is comparing himself to Jesus once again
On the second day of the Christian Holy Week, Donald Trump once again compared himself to Jesus Christ.

Donald Trump 'cult' set for 'even more violent' administration as he compares himself to Christ
Donald Trump is seeking a "biblical legitimization" of his promise for violence by comparing himself to Jesus Christ, an expert has argued.

Here comes a progressive response to demagogic and authoritarian politics
Mainline Christians, progressive Christians and the religiously unaffiliated are not the only ones who can see the danger that Donald Trump represents to this country and to the world. Conservative Chrstians who have not let themselves fall under his influence and are not allowing themselves to be manipulated by him see it too. They take seriously the warnings of Jesus and the apostles in the New Testament and have not forgotten the lessons of the past.

The Dead Sea Scrolls, the Book of Esther, and the Argument from Silence
Some scholars will conclude that if an author doesn’t use/cite a book that he doesn’t know it or value it. Or if a manuscript of a certain book is not discovered at a certain locale, then some will conclude that that particular community must not have known or valued that book. The problem with this line of reasoning, however, is that it is a form of the argument from silence. And the argument from silence is regarded as fallacious for a number of reasons....

How to Discover Your True North Values
Every leader should be clear on his or hear true north values. Such values aren’t the essential values every believer should embrace like keeping the ten commandments, obeying the golden rule, or living out Jesus’ great command and great commission. Rather they are more nuanced ones that deep down capture the essence of the real you. These values should so infuse our souls that nothing external can cause us to compromise them. Granted, they might be aspirational, ones not yet fully developed. Nevertheless, they would describe the authentic, Christ-honoring you to which you aspire. Here’s a way to discover them.

8 Benefits of Silence and Solitude in a Leader’s Life
All Christians can benefit from building the discipline of silence and solitude ito their lives, not just leaders.

How Every Christian Can Participate in the Great Commission
God did not save us and take us straight to heaven. He left us in a world of urgent spiritual and physical need for a finite amount of time, which is why we must give our lives sacrificially for the spread of the gospel. We do not exist merely to coast through casual Christianity on a week-by-week basis; we were created for so much more than that. As Christians, we come together in local churches that exist for the accomplishment of global mission.

Image Credit: Religion News Service, Tom Killoran

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