
Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Wednesday's Catch: 'Voting Out of Fear' And More

Voting Out of Fear
This is an election year. No, this isn’t a blog about who you should vote for. It is a blog about why we often vote the way we do... and shouldn’t.

One of the Most Urgent Biblical Commands for Our Day
One of the most urgent biblical commands for our day—and perhaps for any day—is to speak the truth in love. Different people at different times tend to overemphasize one of the two factors and underemphasize the other so that some lean away from truth while others lean away from love. But the Lord expects that we will do both without competition or contradiction.

Can you hear him now?
He is speaking clearly and more dangerously by the day.

How Trump is Following Hitler's Playbook
Could Trump actually turn America into a fascist state? Yes. Here's how, in five steps.

Presidential Historian: Trump Actually Doing 'Us All A Favor' With Fascist Rhetoric
NBC News presidential historian and author Michael Beschloss on Monday shared a major bugbear he has about the 2024 election.

Trump is ‘Using One of the Main Tactics of Autocrats’ With Psychological Warfare, Pollster Claims
After examining former president Donald Trump's recent campaign activities, a Republican pollster concluded that he is effectively using a method many autocrats have employed: exhausting American citizens' capacity to feel outrage.

Opinion: Trump’s praise of dictators tells us all we need to know
Vladimir Putin, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Viktor Orban, Adolf Hitler, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un, Saddam Hussein: What do they have in common? All of these authoritarians have reportedly drawn praise from former US president — and now GOP presidential nominee — Donald Trump, who has promised Americans that he, too, will be a dictator “on Day One” of his time in office.

The Psychology of Strongmen
We live in an era of strongmen rulers who see themselves as the saviors of their nations while denying their people the protection of democracy and truth.

Pastor, Use This Checklist for Better Preaching
Here are a few things that Michael Lukaszewski has learned along the way as a preacher and and things that he is currently trying to implement.

Why Have Well-Known Worship Leaders Left Christianity? Allen Parr Explores Whether These 4 Reasons Are Valid
Several high-profile worship leaders have announced over the past few years that they no longer believe in Christianity, rattling many evangelical Christians. Ministry leader Allen Parr believes there are four common reasons why people leave the Christian faith, and he offered his views on the validity of those reasons, as well as advice for people who are doubting.

Do You Have a Philosophy of Worship?
Does your congregation have a philosophy of worship? Mark Cole recently came across a very well-written philosophy of worship from ‘The Meeting Place’ church (TMP). If you are developing your own standards for your worship ministry, this is a good place to start.

Go, Therefore, And Make Disciples
The call to make disciples isn’t a new one. It is as ancient as the Christian faith, given by Christ himself before His ascension into heaven. The journey of a disciple isn’t a new phenomenon. Christian Scripture and history are both filled with stories and testimonies of people who have come to know and follow Christ, from young to old, from all over the world.

How We Can Empower and Multiply Disciples
...if leaders are not at the center of these movements, what is our role in a gospel movement? I think two things are key—reproducible disciples and de-emphasized clergy.

How to Disciple a New Christian
Discipling a new Christian ... can be a daunting task for the inexperienced who do not know where to start, or it could be overwhelming to the experienced who may find themselves with too many ideas and very little direction. So, how then can we approach discipleship?

Remember the Missionaries: Caring for Those We Send
How can your church remember its missionaries and continue to care for them as they serve? What’s the church’s role after launching them?

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