
Tuesday, April 02, 2024

Tuesday's Catch: 'Ed Stetzer: New Churches for a New Era'And More

Ed Stetzer: New Churches for a New Era
After leading a project under the late Bob Buford of Leadership Network with a team that read all the books on church planting written in English since 1950, I learned that church planting in Western culture developed in three eras from the mid-20th century to the present. I call these eras Church Planting 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0.

How Small Churches Can Serve a Global God
Here are a few tips for small churches considering a more global reach.

Understanding Our Hispanic Brothers and Sisters brother and sisters in Christ, we have more in common with one another, with people who don’t even speak our language, than we do with our own blood-kin, our family members in our own households who are not believers. We have more in common with a believer who has come out of the Muslim faith in the Middle East than our American neighbor down the road who has an American flag waving in front of their house, but doesn’t know Christ.

Wreck the Roof: How Far Will You Go to Bring Friends With Disabilities to Jesus?
The biblical account of the paralyzed man and his faithful friends epitomizes this unwavering resolve to bring all people to Jesus.

How Can the Church Serve Families Touched by Autism?
According to Autism Speaks, the non-profit research and awareness organization, 2.7 percent of children and 2.2 percent of adults in the United States have autism. So, in a church of just 200, at least two children and two adults probably have autism. Your church probably has autistic brothers and sisters attending. Do you know their names?

5 Great Ways to Grow Your Leadership are five specific ways you can focus on how to grow your leadership.

6 Key Questions to Ask of Your Sermon Before You Preach it
Before you preach your next sermon, take the time to answer these 6 questions. If you do, you’ll have greater clarity for the content of the message and the congregation will have greater clarity for the expected action from the message.

Preaching Notes: Think GPS not Teleprompter
Use your preaching notes like your GPS–as a guide, not a teleprompter.

Bible Lesson on Kindness: Help Teens Learn & Live Out Compassion
A Bible lesson on kindness is important for people of all ages. But it’s especially meaningful for tweens and teens. Kids must deal with in-person conflicts, online bullies, and short-tempered friends and family members

Create Community Through Technology
With change comes the need for the church to help members stay connected.

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