
Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Tuesday's Catch:"'How to tell if it’s ‘Christian nationalism’ or not" And More

How to tell if it’s ‘Christian nationalism’ or not
Identification as a white evangelical doesn’t necessarily mean a Christian has become a follower of Christian nationalism, but it certainly doesn’t rule it out, said Amanda Tyler, executive director of Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty.

Cultural Enemies
If you are a true follower of Christ, you will have enemies. A lot of enemies. This isn’t a popular idea. Many Christians seem more intent on fitting into culture, or at least getting its affirmation, than opposing it. And the entire idea of being an enemy, or having one, seems out of sync with the Christ life. But it isn’t.

Turning Naysayers Into Allies: How Successful Leaders Do It
Learn a new approach founded upon one simple question that can turn naysayers into allies.

Growing Percentage of Americans See Declining Religious Influence
Four in 5 U.S. adults believe religious influence is declining in American life, and most aren’t happy about it, according to Pew Research.

VOICES: The decline of church attendance in America
Concerns about regular church attendance have always challenged most faith leaders. However, according to a recent Gallup poll, a decline in consistent church attendance is at an all-time low. The survey, conducted from 2021 to 2023 with over 32,000 participants, reveals that only 30% of U.S. adults are steady in their church attendance. Protestant churches and non-denominational groups were among the highest at 44%, while Catholics were at 33%.

10 Surprising Reasons Our Kids Leave Church
There are 10 surprising reasons our kids are leaving Christianity. And we can do something about it now! We all know them, the kids who were raised in church. They were stars of the youth group. They maybe even sang in the praise band or led worship. And then they graduate from high school and they leave church. What happened?

Win the Next Generation with Love
The evangelical church has spent far too much time trying to figure out cultural engagement and far too little time just trying to love. If we listen to people patiently and give them the gift of our curiosity, we will be plenty engaged. I’m not arguing for purposeful obscurantism. What I’m arguing for is getting people’s attention with a force more powerful than the right lingo and the right movie clips.

A dramatic schism over social issues? The United Methodist Church has been here before
The United Methodist Church will hold its General Conference, delayed several years by the pandemic, in April 2024. The meeting comes amid a dramatic divide over LGBTQ+ rights.

Trump announces abortion policy, but neither side believes he’ll do what he says
When Donald Trump announced his presidential campaign’s abortion policy April 8, advocates on both sides of the issue didn’t believe him. Of course, stretching the truth is nothing new for the presumptive once-again Republican nominee.

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