
Saturday, May 25, 2024

Saturday Laniappe: 'Intergenerational Ministry for the Post-pandemic Church' And More

Intergenerational Ministry for the Post-pandemic Church
Lewis Center Director Doug Powe says siloed age-level ministries often prevent congregations from worshiping together around one common table. But the pandemic provided an opportunity for us to rethink our concepts of place and space and to reimagine what it means for us all to be together.

Why the UMC took a historic stand and condemned Hindu nationalism
The United Methodist Church is saying that we will not stand by silently while people are persecuted because of their faith and their conscience.

Parents, Are You Raising Angry Partisans?
Children will not only adopt the hostile attitude of their parents toward those who hold different political and social views from them but they will also direct this hostility toward their peers whose parents do not not share their parents' political and social views, gossiping about them and bulling them.

The strange afterlife of the John the Baptist Movement
My church once printed a New Year Motto Card that committed the community to "Prepare the hearts of the people and the structures of the church for the next great move of God." As a Bible-believing evangelical fellowship, we were not expecting any radical new revelation. Rather we knew – as members of a 2000-year-old faith – that while core beliefs stand firm over the centuries, emphasis, structures and strategies can change – and change radically at times. The key is recognising the "move of God" in our particular time. Which raises the subject of John the Baptist and his followers.

The Asbury Outpouring: What We As Worship Leaders Can Learn
Dan Wilt shares what he learned from has come to bekown as the "Ashbury Outpouring." Among the things that he learned is that simplicity and proximity matter in worship.

4 Steps To Balancing Structure And Spontaneity In Worship
How do we create a healthy balance between structure and spontaneity in worship?

Mix It Up! How Mixed-Age Groups Improve Your VBS
When it comes to organizing kids at your VBS, mixed-age groups may seem like a good idea…but how do you actually pull it off? Read on to hear one former VBS-director-turned-Group-editor’s discovery of how mixed-age groups can make all the difference.

How to Spread the Gospel the Jesus Way
Why youth pastors should go from chucking seeds to training farmers to building greenhouses.

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