
Thursday, May 02, 2024

Thursday's Catch: '18 Common Mistakes Made When Going Multisite' And More

18 Common Mistakes Made When Going Multisite
Though nearly 8 out of 10 multisite campuses are flourishing, many multisite campuses struggle, and a small number do fail. Why do people return to the sending campus after launching a multisite campus or even go to another church? What hinders sent people from becoming staying people at a church they helped birth in their own community? What is the key to retaining the launch team and sustaining a growing multisite campus?

Before You Modernize Your Church Building
There are plenty of ways to modernize your church building without having to ruin the history of the building by renovating it or tearing it down to build something new.

Church Shopping, Hopping, and Should It Be Stopping?
Contrary to how some view the church today, leaving a local church is no small matter. It’s a family where you’ve invested in others and others have invested in you. It’s a community united to Jesus Christ, gifted in a manifold of different ways for service, for the purpose of displaying Christ to others and becoming more like Him (cf. 1 Cor 12).

Three Key Questions to Ask Your Mormon Friends
he LDS church gets a lot right, but the most important things it gets wrong. Here are my three go-to questions that get to the heart of our most important differences.

Five Things Clear Core Values Can Really Do for You
I’d like to suggest they really do matter. But discovering and defining them is only the beginning. Learning how to USE them in your organization is where the difference is made.

7 Essential Preaching Skills to Reach a Post-Christian Audience
As you know, everything is changing, and that includes preaching. Many Western nations have become post-Christian over the last century: Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand just to name a few. America has been a holdout—until recently.

The Response of Preaching: Why the Invitation Matters
Oddly, some preachers today avoid extending Gospel invitations when they preach. That seems so unbiblical and strange. Why tell people about salvation and not give them the chance to receive it?

Switching, Not Ditching
Your phone rings with the dreaded Saturday night phone call. Even as you answer, you know how this conversation will go. One of your kids ministry volunteers is canceling. That inevitable phone call or text or email that says “I’m sorry…” followed by the reason and rationale for why a volunteer can’t fulfill on the commitment they have made happens all too frequently.

Ed Stetzer: 4 Reasons Small Groups Are Vital to Your Church’s Health
If you think community is an important part of healthy church life, and I hope you do, then small groups should also be important to you. They are actually crucial to the church’s health. I’m not the only one who thinks so—we have the research to back it up.

A Starting Point for Strengthening Your Church’s Discipleship
Here’s a way to strengthen your church’s discipleship efforts today.

Five Cultural Trends Killing the Church's Mission
But while some, albeit loud, voices are telling you to look over there, you might be missing some everyday cultural shifts occurring that are having a greater and unnoticed effect on the church. In fact, it is now becoming clear that these trends are killing the mission of the church far more effectively than the hot-button issues that get all the attention. Here are five that come to mind....

3 Necessary Shifts in the Way We Think About Missions
After more than 30 years of serving as a local church pastor, I have learned that we must make a few critical changes if we are going to have the kind of global reach God desires. Organic outreach in our church and around the globe will happen as we embrace specific changes in attitude and action.

Remember the 4 ‘Alls’ of the Great Commission
In the Great Commission Report, issued ahead of this year’s meeting of the Lausanne Congress for World Evangelization in Seoul, South Korea, Victor Nakah and Ivor Poobalan offer a theological basis for “the Great Commission” as one of the most-used phrases within global Christianity today...I’m grateful for this contribution in their introduction to the Great Commission Report, especially for opening my eyes to the four “alls” in the missionary mandate Jesus gave his disciples, as seen in Matthew’s formulation.

How You (Yes, You!) Can Share Jesus
People all around us are wondering about the meaning of life—about their identity and their purpose—and they’re often eager to talk about it with someone who’s open to listening. And these conversations provide perfect springboards to care for people and share the Good News of Jesus.

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