
Thursday, May 09, 2024

Thursday's Catch: 'Renewing the Small Church With the Kintsugi Model' Ad More

Renewing the Small Church With the Kintsugi Model
In the church today, we seemingly discard “broken” churches and close their doors. What if, instead of closing churches, we began repairing them to make them more valuable for the community? It will take a dedicated leader and maybe even denominational officials to see value in what was and is before them—to find or develop a leader who captures the congregation’s imagination for what could be in and out of the church and going about the work in which honors God but respects the past. It embraces the community to reach its neighbors like never before with a future-forward focus that brings new life to the local church and neighborhood.

The Spirit God Gives Us in Difficult Times Like These Everyone is struggling. This has been an extraordinarily difficult time in our world for many in ways financially, physically, mentally and spiritually. As believers, we can be encouraged that God wants to give us a specific kind of help during seasons like these. We don’t just go with the flow of culture, but we flow with the wind of the Holy Spirit.

What is Ascension Day and why do we celebrate it?
Thursday 9th May is Ascension Day, which is a public holiday in many countries. This is the story.

7 Essential Requirements For All Good Leaders
If you were to assess your personal leadership ability, how would you assess yourself today?

How Much Should Churches Pay Their Pastors?
The Bible tells us to use wisdom when determining how much to pay a pastor. The Apostle Paul says that a “worker is worth his wages” and “don’t muzzle the ox while he treads the grain” (1 Tim. 5:18). But what kind of salary does that translate to?

Entrusting Kids With Responsibility
We all want our kids to stay connected with Christ and the church when they grow up. And studies tell us that those who were given a chance to contribute in the life and service of the church at a young age had a higher probability of not leaving the church and ditching their relationship with Christ when they left home.

3 Things You Should Be Doing Every Week in Children's Ministry let's talk about 3 things you should be doing every week in children's ministry. Great children's ministries are not built on programs or events. Rather, they are built by doing these 3 things week in and week out.

Are You Ready to Produce Mobile Phone Video?
When I started out in television production, the cost of a camera was out of sight. And depending on it being a film or video project, the cost continued to climb. But today, we carry around a TV studio in our pocket and more and more filmmakers are embracing the idea of producing projects on using mobile phone video.

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