
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tuesday's Catch: '5 Tips to Keep the Summer Vibe Warm and Welcoming' And More

5 Tips to Keep the Summer Vibe Warm and Welcoming
Hey everyone! Summer’s here, and that means things at church might loosen up a bit. Schedules aren’t quite so full, long-awaited vacations come to fruition, and sometimes church attendance dips.But don’t throw away the welcome mat! Summer is the perfect time to open your church doors even wider and create a space that feels inclusive.

George Barna: Most Christians don't know what a disciple is
Churchgoing and discipleship are not the same. ne can be a churchgoer without being a disciple of Jesus.
See also: George Barna identifies biggest threats facing the Church: 'We've reached a time of Christian invisibility'
Bishops Call GMC to Stop Coercing UMs
"The mission of the church to make and nurture disciples of Jesus Christ is enhanced when various bodies of Christ collaborate in a mutual ministry of grace and respect. Likewise, the mission of the church is harmed by the denigration of one body at the expense of another. To that end, we call upon the members of the Global Methodist Church to formally recognize The United Methodist Church as an authentic and valid denomination and to cease all efforts to coerce members of The United Methodist Church to join their fellowship. Likewise, we commit ourselves to the same standard of respect and grace."

Former Anglican bishop deposed over 'inappropriate relationships with women,' interactions with minors

A former bishop of the Anglican Church in North America has been removed from ministry after being found guilty of multiple charges, including “inappropriate relationships with women.” ACNA announced Monday that Todd Atkinson, formerly the bishop of the Via Apostolica Missionary District based in Alberta, Canada, was “removed from ordained ministry following the conclusion of his ecclesiastical trial.”

4 Ways to Elevate Ministry to Women in Your Church
What can pastors and leaders of churches of any size, location, or scope of ministry do to elevate ministry ministry to women more?

Byte-Sized Generosity
Now more than ever, churches are adopting digital giving methods over traditional ones like passing the plate. In fact, technological advances have made giving so simple and easy, it leaves little reason why members can’t be generous with what they have.

Common Courtesies: 5 Small Group Guidelines to Follow
There should always be small group guidelines that everyone can agree upon. This helps people know what to expect from others and what others will be expecting of them. It also promotes give-and-take interaction and encourages a sense of equality among group members, so no one person becomes more or less important than another.

If Gen Z is Awakened, Equipped and Unleashed
If Gen Z is awakened, equipped and unleashed they will change the way we do and view ministry forever.

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