
Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday's Catch: '3 Clues for Reaching New Believers' And More

3 Clues for Reaching New Believers
Lovett H. Weems Jr. shares metrics for gauging your church’s effectiveness in bringing new people to faith. He also outlines three clues that can help churches of all sizes reach new believers. 

The Great Omission
Michael Adam Beck and Stephanie Moore Hand say that if we take from Jesus’s Great Commission only the call to “make disciples” we are omitting one small but important word. GO! The Great Commission isn’t about bringing people into the church building and properly Christianizing them. It’s about a community of learners, going out together, becoming, and making disciples as they journey through the normal trials and joys of life.

Why Isn't Your Church Reaching the Unchurched?
In a day when almost every church would say they want to reach the unchurched, why isn’t it happening more often? Why are churches better known for their rhetoric about reaching the unchurched than the reality of actually doing it?

When Christian Groups Subvert Religious Liberty of Christians
The Italian Supreme Court’s harassment of an evangelical church serves as a stark reminder that the ongoing threats to religious liberty often come from those who identify as Christians.

5 Steps for Creating a Crisis Communication Plan for a Church
For pastors of congregations of all sizes, creating an effective crisis communication plan isn’t just a necessity; it’s a responsibility.

What Effective Pastors Must Prioritize
I’ve been a pastor over 40 years and I’ve made lots of mistakes. But as I’ve grown wiser, I’ve learned that if I prioritize a few key choices, my life and leadership dramatically improve and my ministry becomes more effective. Here are three key choices I encourage every pastor to prioritize.

Mastering the Art of Communication: How to Leave Your Audience Wanting More
If you communicate on any level, what’s your goal? What do you hope happens during and, more importantly, after you speak?

Preaching Transformation: The Change We Need
Ed Stetzer discusses the importance of transformation in the life of a Christian and offers points to assist the preacher in helping their congregation see it through.

Three Root Causes Of Stalled Spiritual Transformation
Why does spiritual growth sometimes stall out in believers? Thom Rainer offers his view and solutions from a study of the Corinthian church.

A Caution For Expository Preaching
Dr. Iain Murray discusses why a number of circles today consider “expository preaching” in vogue, but warns against exclusively preaching that way for a number of reasons.

7 Marks Of Great Preaching
When a sermon includes the following seven central elements, and when the Holy Spirit is present, something happens—the Word comes alive and people come to faith.

Growing in Jesus (Yourself) This Summer
In ministry we do many things that help us learn about God and tell others about him. We spend time with the Lord so we can get ready to teach someone else. Yet, we have to start with asking ourselves with honesty, “Is it easier to go through the motions than to press in and be near him?” Do I want to live with this knot or learn to trust the Lord more?

Sunday School Curriculum: How to Choose Materials for Children
Choosing Sunday school curriculum for your church is an important decision. Class materials greatly impact your children’s ministry. And these days, solid options abound!

3 Activities to Try in Your Church Nursery This Summer
Check out these fresh ideas for your church nursery!

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