
Friday, June 14, 2024

Friday's Catch: ' Is Your Congregation Shrinking? 6 Questions to Understand and Stop Unnecessary Attrition' And More

Is Your Congregation Shrinking? 6 Questions to Understand and Stop Unnecessary Attrition
When people leave your church because there is another church that better suits them, we should kindly encourage their exit, especially if they plan to immediately engage in the life and mission of their next church. But many people leave churches for all the wrong reasons.

The Reformed Church in America to vote on restructuring
After losing nearly half its membership in just five years, the RCA’s General Synod will consider 10 proposals aimed at charting a path forward.

Baptist Women in Ministry praise failed SBC ban on female pastors as Mike Law vows to fight on
While the majority of Southern Baptist messengers were left disappointed Wednesday by the failure of a proposed amendment to the Southern Baptist Convention's constitution to permanently ban women from serving as pastors "as qualified by Scripture," groups like Baptist Women in Ministry applauded.
Also see: What my grandparents would think of the Southern Baptist Convention today and Mike Law Urges Churches Not To Leave SBC Following Failure To Pass Amendment Barring Women Pastors.
Worship Space Design 101
How we design the physical space of our worship gatherings matters. That’s why we need Worship Space Design 101. How does our gathering space shape us for mission? How does it shape us for community? We already ask interrogating questions in relation to preaching since we are so intensely an information-transaction-culture. Yet we often forget to inspect the media we are using to communicate those messages. What if the medium we use has a message of its own?
The way many contemporary sanctuaries and worship centers are set up conveys the message that the congregation are not participants but spectators, not a worshiping assembly but a audience. This is also true of a number of traditional sanctuaries and worship centers and may be attributed to the influence of the nineteenth century Catholic Revival and the Sandy Creek Revival of the same period.
Navigating Adolescence: Faith-Based Guidance for Teens
Navigating adolescence has never been more challenging. The teen years are a time of profound change and discovery. Kids must adjust to new social dynamics and complex emotions. They are working to form identities. And they must do so in a me-focused culture that often belittles religious belief and practice. For many teens, faith serves as a guide for navigating adolescence. Let’s explore practical ways youth leaders and parents can assist.

Little Disciples: Teaching Children the Path of Discipleship
Guiding little disciples on the faith journey is a privilege. It’s also a huge responsibility. God uses parents, pastors, and children’s ministry workers to point children to him. By introducing kids to Jesus and God’s Word, you set a strong foundation for a lifelong relationship with God. Looking for encouragement as you grow little disciples of Christ? Then read on to explore this role. Plus, learn how God supports you as you serve!

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