
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wedesday's Catch: '3 Factors That Create an Unchurched Christian' And More

3 Factors That Create an Unchurched Christian
The local church has lost its prominence among too many professing Christians, but Scripture has no category for the unchurched Christian.

ACNA’s Attendance & Membership Rebound
Attendance within the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) rebounded in 2023 to pre-COVID numbers, according to congregational report data released June 25 at the denomination’s Provincial Council meeting at St. Vincent’s College in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. The denomination in 2023 reported an increase of 36 congregations to a total of 1,013, an increase in membership of 3,115 (+2.5 percent) to a total of 128,114 and an increase in attendance of 9,211 (+12 percent) to a total of 84,794.
I tend to take ACNA attendance and growth figures with a grain of salt, primarily because its reports do not break down their figures sufficiently to gain an accurate picture of attendance and growth in the ACNA. More detailed reporting (e.g. congregation size, congregation type, length of time in existence, etc.) would give a more accurate picture.
Bishops Begin Adding Same-Sex Marriage Rites to BCP
The House of Bishops began adding an inclusive marriage rite to the Book of Common Prayer on June 25, while expressing gratitude for the work on Communion Across Difference. Bishops also approved eight changes to the church’s disciplinary canons and an initiative focused on congregational revitalization.
If the House of Bishops was serious about congregational revitalization, it would give more thought to how its decisions negatively impact congregations. A number of its past decisions have had disasterous impact upon congregations located in communities where a significant portion of the population holds what it considers are traditional values and is opposed to social change that is likely to erode or displace these values. When the House of Bishops make such decisions, it adds to the challenges with which these congregations may be faced such as aging members, shifting demograpics, declining interest in church attendance, and the like.
How Jefferson and Madison’s partnership – a friendship told in letters – shaped America’s separation of church and state
More than 2,000 letters between the two founders are available online. Many attest to their deep commitment to religious freedom.

Why is this still happening?
Louisiana is making history, and not the good kind. As the only state with a law mandating displays of the Ten Commandments in every public school classroom, Louisiana is a standout among a host of states pursuing legislative measures that would upend religious freedom as we know it.

Leading Amidst Christian Nationalism
Lovett H. Weems Jr. outlines seven strategies for responding to Christian nationalism in measured and faithful ways. Church leaders should try to help congregants put their love of country in perspective as people of faith while not expressing judgment or devaluing the feelings of loss that often give rise to today’s iteration of Christian nationalism.

Building bridges in a divided world: 7 ways to cultivate unity
In a world that is increasingly divided, followers of Jesus can be proactive and intentional about building bridges over the chasm of our differences. Our faith calls us to be peacemakers, to love our neighbors and to cultivate unity in our churches and communities.

“Everyday Leadership and Hope for Humanity” featuring Heidi Brooks
How can church leaders lead in such a way that is meaningful, sustainable, interesting and makes an impact? We speak with Heidi Brooks, Senior Lecturer in Organizational Behavior at the Yale School of Management, a leadership and organizational behavior expert about everyday leadership.

Eisegesis, Exegesis, and Wonder
“It doesn’t matter what you think about the text. It only matters what the text meant to the original author.”
Eisegesis includes allegorizing a text, making it an allegory about something other than what the text is about.
Kid Noises
I love kid noises too.

Tips for A Fun and Safe Summer! ...we can all help keep kids safe throughout the summer, whether you’re a parent, family member, or even a neighbor helping out by watching the kids.

Object Lesson for Kids: Building Kindness
In this object lesson, kids explore the meaning of kindness as they build up and tear down block buildings.

Youth Ministry Network: 11 Keys for a Youth Leader Support System
A youth ministry network is an often-overlooked but essential part of youth ministry. Learn 11 tips for building and growing a youth worker support system in your area.

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