
Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Wednesday's Catch: 3 Waves That Have Shaped Evangelical Churches (and a 4th on the Way)

3 Waves That Have Shaped Evangelical Churches (and a 4th on the Way)
Theological differences remain, but they’re less pronounced because virtually all evangelical churches have been marked by three waves that have crashed onto the shore and changed the landscape. The influence of these movements is so profound that many churchgoers don’t even notice their effects. In what follows, I want to describe these three waves and then point to the possibility of a fourth that’s picking up speed today.

5 Dangerous Ways Churches Convince Themselves They’re Growing
Let’s be honest…do you sense that you’re trying to convince yourself you’re growing when you really aren’t?

Deacons Presiding at the Altar?
Deacons did at one time preside at the altar until presbyters objected to the practice and a council of the Church supressed it. It must be noted that the United Methodist Church also permits authorized lay persons to officate at celebrations of Holy Communion, consecrating the elements as well as distributing them.

Christian media figures may face defamation trials before November election
"Thou shalt not bear false witness" is one of the moral laws that Anglicans and other Christians have historically recognized as applying to Christians.

How low will they go?
From a biblical perspective, Donald Trump fits the description of the "lawless man" and an anti-Christ rather than that of a saviour, much less Christ himself.

‘It Was Like a Movie for Us, But It Was Reality’—Ed Stetzer Visits Ukrainian Christians in Kyiv
I want to share some of the sobering and encouraging things God is doing in Ukraine and through the church and Christians there. Specifically, we can be challenged by the resilience, the ministry, and the encouragement of Ukrainian Christians.

7 Ways a Leader Sets a Bar for Followers
A leader sets a bar for followers to follow in a number of ways. If people are trying to follow you as a leader then you have the awesome responsibility of establishing the parameters by which they will be successful in the organization or on the team.

10 Most Common Church Sound Problems
Sound problems can be caused by anything from architectural defects to misguided equipment operators. Here are some of the most troublesome sound problems that churches struggle with and what can be done about them....

How to Achieve Great Sound in a Small Church
Achieving great sound in a small church is impossible, right? I mean, you have practically no budget and no one around with preexisting sound tech skills. I might have agreed with this common belief at one time…but I have proved it to be wrong. The truth is, you can achieve great sound at a small church—and it may not be as hard as you think.

8 Ways to Reach Single Adults Through Your Church
Pam and I were older when we married, so we both spent many years as a single adult. Consequently, we’re sensitive to reaching single adults through our churches. Perhaps one of these suggestions will help you as you reach this group in your community....

How Long Should You Preach to Students?
This is a common question among youth workers, especially within an American culture where attention spans matter. I wonder sometimes if ministries in foreign cultures that are used to longer church services ever have to even ask the question, but that’s perhaps another blog post for another time.

Why Vacation Bible School Is as Important Now as Ever
VBS is a local mission trip that just about any church can do. Here is why it’s important to my church, West Bradenton.

4 Practical Ideas for VBS Follow-Up
Strategic follow-up plays a huge role in making the most of your VBS. In fact, intentional follow-up should be an important part of your regular VBS planning, right from the beginning. That means as you’re rounding up supplies, handing off VBS manuals, and putting up decorations, you’re also preparing to make a strong post-event impression.

7 Proven Strategies to Launch More Small Groups
Most churches cannot launch groups fast enough to keep up with the demand for discipleship. As the worship services grow larger, the small groups ministry gets further and further behind. Well, that’s not entirely true.

Making the Most of Your Summer Mission Experience
Summer mission trips have become one of the primary platforms God uses to call out and prepare people for longer-term missionary careers.

3 Lies About Student Evangelism
Here are three lies about student evangelism that youth leaders and students should never believe.

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