
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wednesday's Catch: 'Why Making Your Church Multigenerational Is Worth the Effort' And More

Why Making Your Church Multigenerational Is Worth the Effort
Chuck Lawless says it is hard to be a multigenerational church, but it is worth the effort. He outlines some of the benefits of multigenerational ministry as well as the obstacles that prevent many congregations from embodying this ideal.

Reaching the Aging Population in Your Neighborhood
Reaching the aging population in your neighborhood is a vital investment in the well-being and cohesion of the entire faith community.

Simple Ways Your Church Can Be a Heatwave Haven
When temps soar to dangerous levels, we have homes to find comfort in. With a flip of a switch we can turn on the AC and grab a glass of ice water. But what about our unhoused community members who have no shelter? Or those who do, but can’t afford the luxuries most of us take for granted?

5 Ways to Overcome Barriers to Affordable Housing Development on Church Property
Richard Reinhard says pairing the surplus of faith properties with the deficit of affordable housing appears to be a match made in heaven. Yet common barriers often stand in the way. He suggests five adjustments that faith institutions, municipalities, and the real estate industry can make to realize this opportunity.

Love (All) Your Neighbors: A Surprising Test of True Faith
“Love God” is the first and greatest commandment, the crown of God’s good law. But such love never stands alone, Jesus says — nor is it chiefly known by outward acts of worship. Rather, love for God appears (or not) in how a person treats his neighbors. So, if you want to see someone’s spiritual sincerity more clearly, don’t mainly watch him in church. Watch him with his children. Watch him at work. Watch him in traffic. Watch him when offended. For you will know him by his neighbor-love.

Fire Guts Art-Rich Toronto Anglican Church
A Sunday-morning fire has destroyed one of the most beautiful churches in Canada. A four-alarm blaze early on June 9 gutted St. Anne’s Anglican Church in Toronto.

Can the Global South Fellowship of Anglicans chase the snakes out of the Anglican Communion?
Yesterday, in a monastery in the Egyptian desert, the Global South Fellowship of Anglicans (GSFA) met for their first Assembly, under their new covenantal structures. Their purpose? To reset the Anglican Communion.

SBC Disfellowships Historic Baptist Church for Position on Ordaining Women as Pastors
The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) ended its cooperative relationship with First Baptist Church of Alexandria, Virginia, on Tuesday (June 11) for ordaining women as pastors. The decision was upheld by SBC delegates, called messengers, at the annual meeting of the convention after First Baptist Alexandria appealed the recommendation of the SBC’s Credentials Committee.
See also: Day before voting on Law Amendment, SBC removes church that is Mike Law’s neighbor
Why I Lead a Sinner’s Prayer Every Sunday (Though I Haven’t Yet Seen Conversions)
Nothing is more tragic than unbelievers sitting through a worship service where no one tells them how to be saved and calls them to respond in faith.

“Clergy Health and Wellness in the Post-Pandemic Era” featuring Allison Norton
What is the state of clergy health and wellbeing coming out of the pandemic? What factors and practices influence the emotional wellbeing of clergy? Allison Norton describes new research that reveals growing discontentment even though clergy health and wellbeing tends to be better than that of the general public.

Go for a Walk
Need a physical, spiritual, mental, social, and emotional boost? Here’s your answer.

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