
Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday's Catch: 'What To Do When People Want A Church To Grow…But Not Change' And More

So many Christians want their church to grow, just not change.

Hobbits and Third-Culture Kids: Befriending the Strangers Among Us
Everywhere they go (except when together), they are prone to experience a sense of alienation. They recognize that they don’t really belong, at least not as others do. At home everywhere, they are home nowhere. In their countries of origin, they are often difficult to recognize. TCKs are hidden immigrants who bear all the marks of citizenship yet often feel distinctly out of place. They are Hobbits without a home.

What Is Evil—Biblically? What the Bible Says about Good & Evil
Evil is the corruption of creational and relational goodness.1 Evil consists of thoughts, actions, or forces that diminish life. Evil takes what God planned for the good of all his creation and distorts or defiles it.

What is Catholic Integralism?
Catholic Integralists believe that religious values – specifically Christian ones – should guide government policies. They oppose liberalism, which they view as valuing individualism and liberty. It’s a question everyone must ask. How do we see our life and our calling? When we find ourselves thinking about the things that fill our days, what images come to mind?

The Bible at the Proms
We often hear that the Bible is being dismissed as irrelevant, yet it continues to be given an expressive voice in music and other art forms, its stories and poetry still appealing to audiences who wouldn't otherwise read it for themselves.

Where Your Vision Is…
It’s a question everyone must ask. How do we see our life and our calling? When we find ourselves thinking about the things that fill our days, what images come to mind?

Choirs in Reformed Worship
For centuries congregations who stood in the Reformed/Presbyterian tradition had no choirs. Because Calvinists took the priesthood of all believers seriously, they jealously guarded congregational involvement in worship: the people were to speak (sing) for themselves. That meant no choirs, no anthems, no cantatas—-just the strong, vibrant sound of congregational singing in response to the spoken Word. Today choirs are almost as common as committees among congregations who call themselves Reformed. Many of these churches have choirs of many sorts and sizes.
Related article: A Case for the Church Choir and Helping Kids Understand Worship Through Music: Ideas and Encouragement for Those Who Lead Children's Choirs
Building a Band: Putting together people, players, and parts
Ron Rienstra shares a small group of do's and don'ts which he has gathered from conversations and personal experience and which may be helpful to fledgling worship bands.

Learning from Each Other's Songs
Ten years ago I would never have considered using “My Jesus I Love Thee,” or any other hymn, for that matter, in a worship service. I was music director at a church plant, and we had decided to use only contemporary music in our services. But as our children got older, we came to realize that when they visited Grandma and Grandpa’s church, they didn’t know any of the psalms and hymns being sung—songs that make up our heritage. We had lost our musical common ground.....
A resource which, while it was written in 1985, offers some useful advice for churches in the twenty-first century is Betty Pulkingham's Sing God A Simple Song: Exploring Music in Worship For the Eighties
Bible is a Book of Prayer; How to Pray Scripture
For non-liturgical evangelicals, a book of set prayers may feel stilted and overly formal. Yet, all Christians have a prayer book because the Bible itself is a book of prayer. One of the most rewarding aspects of prayer for any believer, therefore, is praying Scripture.

Why I Believe Kids Should be Stil and Quiet in Church
When you read the title of this article, you may have been surprised. Kids need to sit still at church? Kids need to be quiet at church? Doesn't sound like the best strategy, does it?

7 Summer Outreach Ideas That Can Be Used All Year Long
Keep the summer outreach fires burning this summer and beyond so you continue to reach children for Jesus in your community. Discover these ideas to keep reaching children in your community—all year long.

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