
Monday, July 15, 2024

Monday's Catch: 'Christian Witness in 2024 vs. 2014' And More

Christian Witness in 2024 vs. 2014
Gavin Ortlund shares four ways evangelism, apologetics, and Christian witness have changed from 2014 to 2024.

Don’t blame ‘the media’ for reporting your own violent language
Boston Globe reporter James Pindell stood in front of the press riser in the 91-degree heat as the gun smoke settled and Donald Trump rose up with blood running down his cheek, pumped his fist, and yelled, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” The crowd, understandably in shock, began to roar back.“After Trump had been escorted to his car and people sensed the rally was over and they were safe, the crowd turned on the media,” Pindell wrote. “The crowd was angry. Middle fingers were everywhere. They asked the press if they were happy and blamed the media.”
Related article: Trump needs to be stopped with ballots, not bullets

We do not know what motivated Thomas Matthew Crooks to attempt to assassinate former President Trump. Already conspiracy theories are swirling around the attempted assassination. On social media the attempt is being exploited to stoke hatred of Democrats and others who do not support the former president and to further demonize them It is also being used to embellish the notion that Trump is God's anointed. But the explanation for what happened may be simpler than we may think. By those who knew Crook in high school, he has been described as a quiet kid, a loner, a kid who did not dress like the other kids, a kid who was often bullied by his peers. This description fits a number of shooters in Crooks' age range. Under the quiet kid exterior they are experiencing a great deal of rage. Trump has been described as a bully and his speeches and public statements have been described as reinforcing this image making him a potential target for the accumulated anger and resentment of someone who had been a frequent victim of bullying. In the mind of that individual he comes to represent all the people who have physically and psychologically abused him.
UMC elects third openly gay bishop; first since UMC changed rules
A regional body of The United Methodist Church has its third openly gay bishop, the first since the mainline Protestant denomination changed its rules to allow noncelibate homosexuals to be ordained. The Rev. Kristin Stoneking, a United Methodist studies professor at the Pacific School of Religion, was elected a bishop by the UMC Western Jurisdiction at their meeting held last week in Spokane, Washington.
Related articles: Jurisdiction elects Kristin Stoneking as bishop and Sandra K. Olewine elected as bishop
Why Every Church Member Matters
Caleb Davis offers four reasons why every church member matters.

The Wisest Thing I Ever Heard a 71-Year-Old Student Say
“ can’t be the best pastor you can be when your eyes are on more than one congregation.”

Why Your Sunday Setlist Matters
...what are some guiding principles we can abide by in this continual act of picking out songs to sing?
These principles are applicable to the selection of songs for both contemporary and traditional worship, using a prescribed liturgy or a locally-developed one.
Your Personality Type Shouldn’t Determine Who You Become
Personality tests are descriptive but they need not be determinative.

Fear in Sharing Your Faith
Ever felt like faith is something private? What if I told you your faith was meant to be shared? In Matthew 28:19, Jesus commands us to "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations." This isn't just a suggestion—it's a command for all believers. But what does it really mean to "go"? How can we live out the Great Commission in our daily lives?

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