
Monday, July 01, 2024

Monday's Catch: 'Episcopal Church General Convention approves diocesan mergers, updates' And More

Episcopal Church General Convention approves diocesan mergers, updates
On its final day in Louisville, Kentucky, the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church approved the mergers of three Wisconsin dioceses and two Michigan dioceses, and a much anticipated change in status to missionary diocese for the Episcopal Church in Navajoland. Earlier during the June 23-28 convention, members approved the expansion of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaii to include Guam and Saipan, which formerly comprised the Episcopal Church in Micronesia.
Related articles: 81st General Convention finalizes reunion of the Diocese of Wisconsin, Eastern Michigan, Western Michigan celebrate approval of merger as Diocese of the Great Lakes, and Deputies Give Navajoland a Joyous Welcome.

Now both the Anglican Church in North America and the Episcopal Church have a Diocese of the Great Lakes.
Wippells brought back to life by its old rivals
The historic church furnisher J. Wippell & Co has returned to the ecclesiastical market, thanks to its former neighbour and one-time rival, Watts & Co.

How to Hold Church Staff Accountable in a Hybrid Work-from-Home Arrangement
How do you hold staff accountable without being too rigid with required office hours?

How to Be an Elder on Sunday Morning
Every church as its equivalent of "elders," people occupying positions of leadership in the church.

10 Common Worship Distractions are 10 distractions we’ve encountered in the music element of worship.

The Vital Role of Preaching in the Local Church
The weekly preaching of God’s Word stands as the most significant activity in a local church. While prayer, singing, fellowship, discipleship, service, and evangelism are also crucial, preaching holds a primary place in advancing God’s kingdom purposes (Acts 6:2). So the regular expounding of Scripture—especially when pastors faithfully and clearly communicate it—profoundly impacts the life of a local church.

A Case for Shorter Sermons
... shorter, more succinct sermons are most helpful to modern people....aiming for shorter sermons allows preachers to deliver the truths within the biblical text in a timeframe that is more consumable.

One of the Best Ways We Can Love Our Loved Ones
When we care deeply for people, we can demonstrate that love by praying them through every season of their lives.

Becoming a Disciple
Tis article is adapted from from James Emery White's After “I Believe”: Everyday Practices for a Vibrant Faith.

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