
Saturday, July 13, 2024

Saturday Lagappe: ''Overseers' appointed for evangelical congregations at odds with CofE same-sex blessings' And More

'Overseers' appointed for evangelical congregations at odds with CofE same-sex blessings
The Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC) has appointed a group of 'overseers' to provide informal alternative spiritual oversight (ASO) to clergy and parishes that cannot for reasons of conscience support the introduction of same-sex blessings. It follows a vote in the Church of England's parliamentary to continue moving towards the introduction of standalone services of blessing for same-sex couples, and permission for gay clergy to enter into same-sex marriages.
Related articles: Evangelicals disappointed by Synod vote on same-sex blessings and Same Sex Blessings in the C of E: ‘The Bus Rolls On’
Online spaces create community for spiritual yoga practitioners 
Yoga churches, and the people who lead them, represent the evolving landscape of spirituality in America, blending ancient wisdom with modern practices to create a supportive community for seekers of all backgrounds.
I am observing a similar trend at the local level in my region of Kentucky, in what was once the Bible Belt--yoga, drum circles, reiki, or energy healing. It prompts me to ask what needs are these practices meeting, which Christianity as it is practiced in my region is not meeting?
‘Wildcat’ and the Perils of Peacocking
Her neighbors didn’t see her as a brilliant author but as the strange woman with all the peacocks.

New study reveals Christian views on ethical ministry uses of AI
Christians show optimism in using AI for a growing set of ministry tasks.
What concerns me about AI in that we can become overly-dependent on AI to the neglect of our own cognative abilities. Like the internet, AI is a mixed blessing. While the internet enables us to access more information than we were able to access before its invention, it also enables perniscious influences to spread more rapidly and more widely.
The power of a health warning
It’s time to recognize the dangers of social media—especially to young people.

Presidential monarchy and judicial infallibility: America 2024
Reading the recently released Supreme Court verdict in the case of Trump v. United States, I couldn’t help thinking that before we put the Ten Commandments in “every classroom,” nationwide, we’d best post them in every room of the White House, you know, where American presidents live and work. Since the court’s verdict essentially immunizes American presidents past, present and future from criminal prosecution for actions carried out as part of their “executive power,” the Ten Commandments should be omnipresent throughout their executive domain.
The only restraint that the US Supreme Court left on the President of the United States is his concience, the part of us that judges how moral our own actions are and makes us feel guilty about bad things that we have done or things we feel responsible for, and to a less extent, the consciences of the judges of the US Supreme Court. If a President has no conscience, there is nothing to restrain him. Even if the US Supreme Court declares his actions as not immune from criminal prosecution, the court has no power to enforce its decision. Dictators are notorious for turning on those who supported them and helped them rise to power. Hitler ordered the extermination of Ernst Röhm and the Brown Shirts and Pol Pot summarily tried and executed a number of his Khmer Rouge followers.
4 Time-Tested Principles To Help Strengthen Your Volunteer Teams 
Recruiting and leading volunteer teams can be challenging, but we know that the passionate heart of one volunteer unleashed and empowered is more powerful than anything a paycheck can deliver.

Church Youth Rules & Regulations: Essential Youth Ministry Guidelines
Church youth rules & regulations are essential for youth ministry programs to function well. Yet many churches and groups don’t create official guidelines for youth leaders or participants. Unwritten youth group rules aren’t really rules, and you sure can’t enforce them very well. And rules you can’t enforce are absolutely pointless.

5 Reasons Why People Don’t Volunteer
People are either not called to children’s ministry or in a season of life where children’s ministry is not right for them.

Children’s Ministry Illness Policy: How to Protect Students & Teachers
Why do you need a children’s ministry illness policy? And what type of information should it contain? Read on to learn about best practices for keeping everyone safe.

We can’t think or live Christianly
What does our discipleship crisis look like? Our lives look the same as our neighbours and they shouldn’t. We don’t all have to be radical, but we do need a small number of radicals among us to help us see that our lives could be different.

How One Word Changes Your Perspective in a Season of Difficulty

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