Friday, March 16, 2007

"Gay Baby" Remark Draws Ire to Rev,8599,1599679,00.html

[Time] 16 Mar 2007--Mohler said he was aware of the invective being directed at him on gay-rights blogs, where some participants have likened him to Josef Mengele, the Nazi doctor notorious for death-camp experimentation.

"I wonder if people actually read what I wrote," Mohler said in a telephone interview. "But I wrote the article intending to start a conversation, and I think I've been successful at that."

A link to the controversial article on Rev. Mohler's website is posted below.

1 comment:

jmKelley said...

To acknowledge that God just might create some people as gay (as God created some people left-handed) would be to throw their fundamentalist interpretation of the Bible into question.

So in the face of growing medical evidence that sexual orientation is given at birth, some fundamentalists are preparing a way to still justify their prejudice against gays-- by claiming it's a treatable disease.

Here's a link to an excellent essay by a Baptist minister who had a change of heart on this issue:

P.S. Father Mychal Judge, the NY fire chaplain who died on 9/11, was openly gay (though celibate). His whole life was an imitation of Christ and he was seen by many as a living saint. Fr. Mychal famously asked, "Is there so much love in the world that we can afford to discriminate against any kind of love?"