
Friday, August 21, 2009

Focus on Ministry Conference 2009: ‘Getting Sunday Right: the role of the Bible in public worship’

A Christ Church New York City Conference (generously hosted by the American Bible Society)

When? Wednesday, October 21 – Friday, October 23

Where? “Bible House”- Headquarters of The American Bible Society
1865 Broadway, New York , New York

Keynote Speakers:

Dr. Ashley Null

Dr. Ashley Null is canon theologian for the Episcopal Diocese of West Kansas. One of the foremost experts on Cranmer and the English Reformation, Ashley Null is the author of Thomas Cranmer’s Doctrine of Repentance: Renewing the Power to Love (OUP).

Dr. Gavin McGrath

Dr. Gavin McGrath holds a PhD from the University of Durham, England in historical theology. He is currently senior pastor of Christ Church , Earlsfield, London and recently edited the New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics (IVP).

John G. Mason

John Mason is the Founding Rector of Christ Church New York City. He holds degrees in theology from the Universities of London and Durham in England and taught New Testament theology; An Anglican minister for over thirty-five years.

What Is Focus on Ministry?

John Mason was one of the founders of Focus on Ministry conferences which began in Sydney, Australia. Over the years the program has served hundreds of clergy from a range of denominations. Features of the program were an annual conference together with a retreat program for mutual encouragement and support in ministry.

The 2009 Focus on Ministry conference in New York City seeks to bring the best of this program to the North American context. Conferences will offer substantial teaching from gifted Bible teachers,combined with sessions offering practical grounding and historical foundations of the Bible in Anglican ministry. There will be no legislation or position papers, simply the fellowship and encouragement of ministers of the Gospel gathering in a world-leading city in the cause of Christ.

Lectures and Workshop topics include:

· Thomas Cranmer

· William Perkins

· John Donne

· Tools for Understanding and Applying the Bible

· Vital Biblical Preaching Today

· The Prayer Books of 1549 and 1552

If you have wondered about the stream of Reformation Anglicanism and its place in North America , this conference is for you. J.I. Packer writes of Christ Church NYC:

Christ Church, New York, aims to be a biblically faithful, discipling, equipping, outreaching, self-reproducing Anglican community. If I lived in New York, I should want to join it. As it is, I heartily applaud and commend it. This is the sort of Anglicanism that the world needs. God prosper Christ Church!


Details of special accommodation arrangements for conferees at one of the city’s hotels will be made available soon. Alternatively, you may be able to find a friend willing to host you! If you are stuck for housing, or this expense would keep you from attending, please contact and we will try to help through a limited number of spots in the homes of members of Christ Church .

For more information and to register email


  1. Will check the schedule. This sounds profitable.

  2. Ashley Null's lecture on Cranmer was outstanding!
