
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Focus on Ministry Conference 2009: 'Getting Sunday Right: the role of the Bible in public worship' - Program

Wednesday, October 21

1:30 to 2:00pm Registration

2:00pm Welcome and Introduction - John Mason

‘The American Bible Society’ – Simon Barnes

2:45pm ‘Preaching Today’ (Why preach?)– Gavin McGrath

3:45pm Coffee

4:30pm ‘Thomas Cranmer: Theologian and Archbishop’ – Ashley Null

6:00pm Dinner

7:15pm Evening (Public) Lecture 1 – ‘Thomas Cranmer’ – Ashley Null

8:45pm Closing Prayers – Clifford Swartz

Thursday, October 22

9:00am Bible Study: ‘Preaching and the Word of God’ (Luke 8) – John Mason

9:45am ‘Preaching the Word’ (What we preach: purpose)– Gavin McGrath

10:45am Morning Coffee

11:15am ‘The Preacher’s Task’ (How we preach)– Gavin McGrath

12:45pm Lunch

2:00pm Workshops - Hermeneutics

3:30pm Coffee

4:30pm ‘Thomas Cranmer: The Bible and Liturgy’ – Ashley Null

6:00pm Dinner

7:15pm Evening (Public) Lecture II – ‘William Perkins’ – Ashley Null

8:45pm Closing Prayers – Clifford Swartz

Friday, October 23

9:00am Bible Study: ‘Preaching and Prayer’ (Luke 11:1-13) – John Mason

9:45am ‘The Preacher at Work’ (preparation)– Gavin McGrath

10;45am Morning Coffee

11:15am ‘Preaching God’s Word Today’ (application) – Gavin McGrath

12:45pm Lunch

2:00pm Workshops – Preparing the sermon

3:30pm Coffee

4:30pm ‘The Prayer Books of 1549 and 1552’ – Ashley Null

6:00pm Dinner

7:15pm Evening (Public) Lecture III – ‘John Donne’ – Ashley Null

8:45pm Closing Prayers

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