
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Inviting friends can be infectious

I had an interesting discussion this week with a College student questioning why it is that some congregation members can’t wait for Sunday to come around and to invite friends to join them while others roll out of bed on Sunday with slouching shoulders thinking “here we go yet again”.

We can put names to members of each group and there are many complex reasons as to why people respond as they do, but they fall into two main categories: personality and communal.

By personality I mean the way people are wired. Some people are by nature pessimists and others optimists. Some are excited, others roll with the punches.

By communal I mean the experience of knowing God in the gospel and the experience of living that with other believers.

In this post, I want to think a bit about the communal aspect of our lives.

To read more, click here.

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