
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Tribunal disagrees with diaconal administration

An Anglican judicial panel has disagreed with Sydney’s Synod on the introduction of diaconal administration of the Lord’s Supper.

The Diocese of Sydney Synod in 2008 overwhelmingly agreed there was no impediment to persons other than a presbyter administering Holy Communion.

The national church’s Appellate Tribunal - consisting of three bishops and four senior lawyers - has given an advisory opinion both on lay administration, which is not sanctioned in the Diocese of Sydney and on administration by deacons, which is practised.

Since the 2008 Synod resolution, some Sydney parishes have allowed deacons to administer the Lord Supper where a presbyter is not able to do so.

Lay administration is neither authorised nor sanctioned in the Diocese of Sydney.

Although both forms are quite distinct, they have often been confused in the debate.

The tribunal’s advisory opinion jointly considered lay and diaconal administration and concluded that a general synod canon would be required to implement either practice.

To read more, click here.

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