
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Discovering the Thirty-Nine Articles

The Jerusalem Declaration that was produced by the Global Anglican Future Conference in 2008 and incorporated in the Statement on the Global Anglican Future sets out fourteen tenets of orthodox Anglican belief. Its purpose is to define Anglican identity for contemporary Anglicans, in a way that is faithful to Scripture and to the Anglican formularies. The Jerusalem Declaration gives renewed emphasis to the Thirty-Nine Articles, which is Anglicanism’s confession of faith.

In this issue of Anglicans AblazeI have posted an extract from Being Faithful: The Shape of Historic Anglicanism Today - A Commentary on the Jerusalem Declaration, two articles from A Protestant Dictionary, and an essay from J. C. Ryle’s Knots Untied, All of these posts are related to the Thirty-Nine Articles.

To help readers become more familiar with the doctrines contained in the Thirty-Nine Articles I have posted a list of resources for those interested in studying the Articles.

Called Back to the Thirty-Nine Articles - Being Faithful on the Thirty-Nine Articles
A Protestant Dictionary: The XXXIX Articles
A Protestant Dictionary: History of the Articles
The Thirty-Nine Articles - J. C. Ryle
The Thirty-Nine Articles Explored - Resources for the Study of the Thirty-Nine Articles

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:45 PM

    It is encouraging to read your posts regarding the much-neglected 39 Articles. I look forward to reading more from you. By-the-way, the Vatican is meeting next month with R.C. bloggers, I hope you were invited so you could give us the "inside scoop" (just kidding)! For more info. see Rod of Alexander's blog.
