A number of resources for those interested in studying the Thirty-Nine Articles may be found on the Internet. I have prepared a short list of these resources:
Thomas Rogers, The English Creede (retitled The Catholic Doctrine Believed and Professed in the Church of England in 1607) This is the first commentary written on the Articles. Google Books has the Parker Society 1898 reprint, which may be found here. Internet Archives also has the Parker Society reprint in several editions in several formats.
Go to: http://www.archive.org/details/catholicdoctrine00rogeuoft
T. P. Boultbee, A Commentary on the Thirty-Nine Articles forming an Introduction to the Theology of the Church of England. Boultabee was the Evangelical principal of the London School of Divinity. Among his other works were A History of the Church of England Pre-Reformation Period and Church Association Tract 16, “Is there Popery in the Prayer Book, historically considered?”
Go to: http://www.anglicanbooksrevitalized.us/Oldies/Thirty-Nine/boultbee39.htm
W. H. Griffith Thomas, The Principles of Theology: An Introduction to the Thirty-Nine Articles. Griffith Thomas was Principal of Wycliffe Hall, Oxford and a member of the faculty of Wycliffe College in Toronto, Canada. Griffith-Thomas’ The Principles of Theologyhas been the standard work for Evangelicals. I would definitely read Griffith Thomas if you do not have time to read anyone else. He also wrote How We Got Our Bible and Why We Believe It Is God's Word
Go to: http://www.anglicanbooksrevitalized.us/Oldies/Thirty-Nine/printheola01-3.htm
H. C. G. Moule, Outlines of Christian Doctrine Moule, an Evengelical, was principal of Ridley Hall, Cambridge, Norrisian Professor of Divinity at the University of Cambridge, and Bishop of Durham.
Go to: http://www.anglicanlibrary.org/moule_h/outlines/index.htm#contents
David Broughton Knox, 39 Articles: The Historic Basis of Anglican FaithKnox, an Evangelical, was a member of the faculty and the principal of Moore Theological College in Sydney, Australia. He was longtime President of the Anglican Church League and founding Principal of the George Whitfield College in Capetown, South Africa.
God to: http://reasonablechristian.blogspot.com/2009/08/table-of-contents-39-articles-historic.html
Dick Begbie, The Anglican Faith: A Layman’s Guide At Time When The Anglican Faith Is Under Fire. Written by a longtime minister of the Church of England in South Africa, this booklet is available as a free download on the Latimer Trust website.
Go to: http://www.latimertrust.org/download/AnglicanFaith_Begbie.pdf
Edward Harold Browne, An Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles. Browne, a High Churchman, was the Bishop of Ely and Winchester. First published in two volumes in 1850 and 1853, Browne’s An Exposition of the Thirty-Nine Articles held its place as a standard work for many years. Brown is somewhat sacramentalist but not at all sacerdotal. He is as strongly anti-Tridentine as he is anti-Calvinist. Even though his work is not Reformed, a number of nineteenth century Evangelical writers cite Brown in their own works.
Go to: http://www.anglicanbooksrevitalized.us/Oldies/Thirty-Nine/browne39-01-05.htm
Robin: There was a book written in the Prayerbook Commentaries series edited by Frank Colquhoun and published by Hodder and Stoughton in England during the 1960s titled The Thirty-Nine Articles by the Rev A. Motyer
J.Alec Motyer was the principal of Trinity College Bristol and was a convinced evangelical. I cannot find this book anywhere -either online or in used bookstores. Any help?
Have you made queries with the publisher? I ran a number of searches on the Internet but they produced nothing.
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