
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Anglican Church in Peru Sees New Laborers for God's Harvest

As the Diocese of Peru is growing, we are ordaining more people to work in the harvest field. God has blessed the diocese with men and women eager to minister in the villages, towns and huddled communities in shanty towns or on mountainsides, in city or countryside.

Bishop Godfrey's vision in 1998 was of a socially and spiritually evangelical and catholic outreach in the name of Christ. When he became Bishop of Peru and moved from Uruguay where he was a USPG missionary and first bishop, he had a vision of a Peruvian Anglican Church that would transform lives with the Good News.

He started with four clergy, two missionaries, an expatriate congregation and few congregations. Now there are about fifty-five worshiping communities and a new diocese based in Ica, with a bishop evangelist at the helm. We have missions in formation up in the high Andes, inLima and its shanty-towns, and on into the south. We are working with other church groups to the north and beyond who want to become Anglicans. We have missionaries from SAMS and CMS. This summer we will add missionaries from England and the USA, including our first doctor to head up our medical ministry.

Our training for ministry has developed from a small seminary in Arequipa into a Lima-based training school for lay and ordained ministry using both local classes and online instruction in collaboration with other Latin American dioceses. We call it the Saints Augustine Seminary - very Anglican.

To read more, click here.

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