
Monday, May 23, 2011

What John Calvin Has to Say About the Day of Judgment

So after the false prediction of Harold Camping, who said Judgment Day would begin on May 21, let's look back to what 16th century Reformed theologian John Calvin had to say about knowing when the last days will be upon us.

Matthew 24:36 Commentary:

But of that day and hour no man knoweth, not even the angels of heaven, but my Father alone.

36. But of that day and hour.

By this sentence, Christ intended to hold the minds of believers in suspense that they might not, by a false imagination, fix any time for the final redemption. We know how fickle our minds are, and how much we are tickled by a vain curiosity to know more than is proper. Christ likewise perceived that the disciples were pushing forward with excessive haste to enjoy a triumph.

He therefore wishes the day of his coming to be the object of such expectation and desire, that none shall dare to inquire when it will happen. In short, he wishes his disciples so to walk in the light of faith, that while they are uncertain as to the time, they may patiently wait for the revelation of him.

To read more, click here.

1 comment:

  1. Robin:

    1. Calvin's name is persona non grata amongst self-respecting Anglicans (half tongue-in-cheek). Most--99.9%--of Anglicans don't know him or his writings. Whom shall we dismiss? Calvin or the Anglican ignoramuses?

    2. Attempting to track ABC Matthew Parker's career, including a note to Calvin (before Calvin's death) for a pan-Reformed, ecumenical council. There are some stories and footnotes on this one.

    3. Parker was a 1559 BCP man with the 39 Articles. Both governed England until a few updates in 1662. England was Protestant, Reformed, evangelical, creedal, confessional and Biblical. (And then, came the narcissist, William Laud, the Arminian diaster and soloist of "O Sole Mio.")

    4. Putzing through Parker's correspondence and Styrpe's analysis.

    5. Horrors, the Puritans referenced Calvin, therefore, Calvin is bad. The whole lot ot them, Anglicans or otherwise. NOT! Read. Again, 99.9% of American Anglican leaders have never read Calvin's 54-volume commentary set, Institutes, or correspondences. Parker was involved at the White Horse Inn in the late 1520's and early 1530's with coordinates with the English Reformers. Whala! Queen Elizabeth 1 choose him as her first ABC.

    6. We need a 10,000 question investigation--history, theology, Bible, liturgy--of all Anglican Bishops. An academic rating system. An upgrade on facts, rather than the schmooze-factor amongst laity and elders. Watch for a denial of that element of accountability.
