
Friday, June 10, 2011

Embracing the unreached

Last month, while in the Middle East, I got a taste of the heavenly scenes of Revelation 5 and 7. I heard Jesus' name being praised in the Arabic tongue. I preached in English, it was translated into Arabic and then heard by American and Arab Christian brothers & sisters alike.

The pastor of the church I preached in is a remarkable man. He planted the church in 1989 in his house. In 1991, they bought a building to worship in, and the security police shut it down.

The pastor went to the officer in charge and the officer told him, "I don't care if the president of this country tells me to open your building. I won't do it." The pastor replied, "If you stand against Jesus then you will see what will happen to you."

The pastor went home. He and his wife fasted and prayed for three days, and within a week the officer lost his job, and the man who took his place now feared the pastor. It took the new officer almost a year to get the building re-opened for the pastor and his church, but he got it done.

During the time the church was prevented from meeting in their building, they planted two churches.

To readmore, click here.

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