
Friday, June 10, 2011

King James Goes to the Movies

Two documentaries look at the making of the KJV.

If you like swashbucklers, Norman Stone's 90-minute KJB: The Book that Changed the World, new on DVD, may be the best way for you to observe the 400th anniversary of the publication of the 1611 Authorized Version of the Bible. There are plenty of men in tights, not to mention clerical robes. They whisper political intrigues, plans to (literally) undermine the government, ride horseback through muddy fields, clang swords, and meet in solemn assemblies. Veteran actor John Rhys-Davies (Raiders of the Lost Ark, Lord of the Rings) "presents" (in the British sense) the story with theatrical flair that teeters on the brink of self-parody.

Producer-director Stone (Shadowlands, Florence Nightingale) arranged shooting locations— such as Sir Robert Cecil's historic home Hatfield House, Church of the Holy Rude in Stirling, and the Bodleian Library—that help ground the dramatic reconstructions.

The film presents James Stuart—also known as King James I—as a brilliant monarch who took control of the political and religious landscape of England from his first moments on the throne. Unlike other monarchs, says Oxford don Peter McCullough, James had no learning curve, since he had previously wrestled the competing political and religious factions of Scotland into submission. Indeed, the young king showed that he could keep the factions off balance by interrupting the Puritan spokesman at the Hampton Court Conference, calling his proposals "a litany of dullness blown out your buttocks," and then giving the participants whiplash by granting the Puritan request for a new Bible translation and putting the opposing Anglican bishops in charge of the project. Sweet.

To read more, click here.

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