
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ordinariate Watch: Anglican Ordinariate now due in 2012

The Vatican is aiming to establish an Anglican Ordinariate in Australia by next year, the Holy See’s delegate for the Anglican Ordinariate in Australia has revealed.

Melbourne Auxiliary Bishop Peter Elliott, who addressed a Festival introducing the Ordinariate in Melbourne on 11 June, told The Record that there is momentum leading to the establishment of an Anglican Ordinariate in Australia with recent events in England and, closer to home, the Torres Strait.

“We have been advised that the Ordinariate will take shape here next year,” Bishop Elliott told an Anglican Ordinariate Festival in Melbourne on 11 June.
“I know that many, including myself, had hoped it would be sooner, but it seems best to take the necessary and somewhat complex steps slowly and surely, inspired and encouraged as we are by recent events in England and the interesting prospects for growth that that are already being revealed.”

He also told The Record last week that a timeline would be announced in due course once this has been approved by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. “Australian Anglicans and Catholics working towards an Ordinariate are much encouraged by recent events in England, where the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham is expanding every week. The recent ordination of seven former Anglican clergy in St George’s Cathedral, Southwark marked another step forward,” he said.

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