
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

'SBC Conservatives' voice concerns

Relaxed attitude toward consumption of alcoholic beverages and spread of Reformed theology top list of concerns

A meeting of "SBC Conservatives" June 13 in Phoenix drew about 20 pastors and laymen who lamented the current direction of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Kent Cochran, a Missouri messenger from Calvary Baptist Church in Republic who organized the meeting at the Hyatt Hotel, announced at the outset that the session was on background rules, for attendees to be assured their comments would not be attributed to them.

Such rules disallow attribution of all comments. Cochran, however, agreed to be quoted on the record.

The meeting's agenda centered on Cochran's plans to make a motion at the SBC's annual meeting in Phoenix, June 14-15. The motion -- ruled out order -- called for a "Unity Committee" to study the "perceptions and realities about impact and implementation of the GCR Task Force Report," which set forth a number of recommendations that were adopted by the SBC during its 2010 annual meeting in Orlando, Fla.

To read more, click here.

To visit Southern Baptist Conservative Resurgences 2 website, click here.

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