
Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Relationships rather than sex

A review of Sex and the iWorld by Dale S. Kuehne

When the openly homosexual Rev. Gene Robinson was made a Bishop in 2003, people and the press turned to Dale Kuehne for a comment. As a Professor in Politics as well as a practising pastor, Kuehne was seen as someone who should have something to say. His response was to research and write this book, because he wanted to meditate not only on what was occurring, but why it occurred, and what an alternative future might be.

He begins with a description of the tWorld, the traditional world, perhaps best encapsulated in movies and TV shows from the 1950s. Although the traditional world was based partly on Christian values, it was also influenced by Graeco-Roman values, and historical events. Many conservative Christian commentators seem to advocate going back to the tWorld, with its cherishing of marriage and family, but Kuehne argues that it is impossible to go back, and perhaps not even advisable.

Although the traditional world was generally good for men, it was often a place of limited choice for women; and many issues of abuse, especially of children, were covered up or ignored..

To read more, click here.

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