
Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Taking Christ to the downtown condos

We sold our sprawling suburban home, gave away most of our furniture, and moved into a small condo in downtown Indianapolis. Like hundreds of thousands of people across America, we've become urban, multi-housing dwellers.

It's astonishing to realize that well over half of all people living in North America reside in multi-housing, such as condos, apartments and high rises, and an estimated 95 percent of multi-housing residents are lost without Christ. Think of that as you drive past multi-housing in your area today. Downtown Indy has 20,000 residents in its one-mile square, and almost all live in multi-housing. So when I walk out my door, there are likely 19,000 people (95 percent) within a few blocks who need Jesus. What a mission field!

How can a Christian tiptoe through rules, privacy issues and cultural barriers to share Christ in urban condos or apartments? Here are five tips....

To read more, click here.

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